been doing this corporate thing ... and...


Jul 5, 2013
son... i've been in this corporate finance gig for 2 MONTHS...

i'm not feeling this at all... making the next man rich... its just not what i want to be.

i make okay money for my age, nothing too exuberant. My momb is proud, and a lot of my friends are proud.

but I'm not in the business of doing things that doesnt make sense. I can easily work for my company for the next 30 years, retire VERY comfortably, and be alright forever...

but the chances of me making impactful decisions and getting to position that makes IMPACTFUL decisions.

i realized very quickly that this life isnt for me, fambs. I never understood why cats would say that, but I do now. I tried to so hard to get here, and its like... an empty feeling b/c i'm another corporate employee.

I've been talking to a lot of higher ups... vps, directors... and the steps that they've taken to get there are admirable... they've worked hard, sacrificed time and energy, and gave their heart to th company... they've been around 20+ years, and seen a lot of things. they're smart guys, and really nice people overall.

but i just dont trust that route. not as a black man, all the things i've seen.... i dont trust that things will be "OK"... i dont trust the system.

i dont trust "working my *** off for a menial promotion and 10K bump in pay that comes around during evaluations every year.

i dont trust kissing the *** of certain guys, hoping that they move up and bring you with them.

i dont trust not controlling your own destiny to some point.

working for a big company is cool and all... but i just dont think this is for me famb... I've always been the guy that thinks outside of the box... and this just pigeon holds this...

i'm 24 and i'm not a fan of corporate finance.

am i overreacting, famb? am i just scared of my eventual fate?

i know guys try their hardest to find jobs. and i'm grateful of mine.. but i just cant do this forever.
Momb lol

Yea no working for someone else is a joke. Making somebody else rich is a joke on you. Go be that guy. But dont quit if you cant survive without it.
son... i've been in this corporate finance gig for 2 MONTHS...

i'm not feeling this at all... making the next man rich... its just not what i want to be.

i make okay money for my age, nothing too exuberant. My momb is proud, and a lot of my friends are proud.

but I'm not in the business of doing things that doesnt make sense. I can easily work for my company for the next 30 years, retire VERY comfortably, and be alright forever...

but the chances of me making impactful decisions and getting to position that makes IMPACTFUL decisions.

i realized very quickly that this life isnt for me, fambs. I never understood why cats would say that, but I do now. I tried to so hard to get here, and its like... an empty feeling b/c i'm another corporate employee.

I've been talking to a lot of higher ups... vps, directors... and the steps that they've taken to get there are admirable... they've worked hard, sacrificed time and energy, and gave their heart to th company... they've been around 20+ years, and seen a lot of things. they're smart guys, and really nice people overall.

but i just dont trust that route. not as a black man, all the things i've seen.... i dont trust that things will be "OK"... i dont trust the system.

i dont trust "working my *** off for a menial promotion and 10K bump in pay that comes around during evaluations every year.

i dont trust kissing the *** of certain guys, hoping that they move up and bring you with them.

i dont trust not controlling your own destiny to some point.

working for a big company is cool and all... but i just dont think this is for me famb... I've always been the guy that thinks outside of the box... and this just pigeon holds this...

i'm 24 and i'm not a fan of corporate finance.

am i overreacting, famb? am i just scared of my eventual fate?

i know guys try their hardest to find jobs. and i'm grateful of mine.. but i just cant do this forever.

Bruh.......I am feeling the EXACT same way right now. I'm 23, don't know exactly what I really wanna do, but I know this corporate $(@) ain't for me.
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Momb lol

Yea no working for someone else is a joke. Making somebody else rich is a joke on you. Go be that guy. But dont quit if you cant survive without it.
i'm not going to quit my job....

i just... i feel empty already bro. i worked my *** off to stare at spreadsheets and not make a single decision that carries some serious weight?

and the thing is, its a cool job... not too bad... but when they put me on game about how so few people get to a certain point... and they get there MOSTLY of someone PROBABLY liking their work, i was like "that dont eem make sense, famb"

and i'm not eem tripping on worklife balance. i'll work 100 hours a week doing some stuff i dont like... as long as i know that my work is meaningful..
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Completely understandable, but if you do end up making your own company I'm available!
Why did you take the job in the first place? Didn't they give you a good sense of what you'd be required to do for it? Sounds like you were infatuated with the whole idea of working in the corporate world without actually knowing what it entails.
Fam I'm at that type of crossroads in my life as well, although on a much smaller scale.

A majority of corporate jobs are like that, just staring at spreadsheets, etc.

It's up to you if you really feel like you can make you're own money, then you should put your time/energy in that.

But, the road to being your own boss may be even harder and stress you out even more than you are now.

Good luck.
Why did you take the job in the first place? Didn't they give you a good sense of what you'd be required to do for it? Sounds like you were infatuated with the whole idea of working in the corporate world without actually knowing what it entails.
i knew exactly what i would be doing for months...

i wasnt infatuated... i just thought that it was acceptance to a world where i didnt have to worry about stability.

consistent hours, consistent paychecks.... and the thing is, its what TONS of people want.
Fam I'm at that type of crossroads in my life as well, although on a much smaller scale.

A majority of corporate jobs are like that, just staring at spreadsheets, etc.

It's up to you if you really feel like you can make you're own money, then you should put your time/energy in that.

But, the road to being your own boss may be even harder and stress you out even more than you are now.

Good luck.
yeah man... i'm not saying i want to go out and start a technology company or anythng...

i just think that this just doesnt fit me. some people are for it... i dont think its for me... that's all i'm saying...

Thought you work at a att famb
naw... been off that for 2 months...

i''m a senior financial analyst for a company...
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"I dont know what happened to me at that therapist.... I dont know...

Maybe its just shock... But when I saw that fat man keel over and die....

We weren't meant to spend it this way. Human Beings were not made to sit in little cubicles staring at computers all day, filling out forms and listening to eight different bosses drone on about mission statements. "

- Peter Gibbons
Work doesn't have to be your only source of making decisions with real impact. You could get involved in sports, volunteering, start a charity, start a group oriented around something you are genuinely interested. The corporate world is very much oriented towards achieving success by making your superiors happy. Perhaps you'd be better off keeping the job but focusing more effort on doing what makes you happy, and hopefully that's something where you could have an impact on others/the world in turn.
The problem with the generation coming up like the one you're a part of is they want instant success and gratification WITHOUT putting in as much as the generations ahead of them.

Let me ask you this, short of starting your own shop (where you'd need a lot of experience to help drive success) what is the ideal work set up for you?
The problem with the generation coming up like the one you're a part of is they want instant success and gratification WITHOUT putting in as much as the generations ahead of them.

Let me ask you this, short of starting your own shop (where you'd need a lot of experience to help drive success) what is the ideal work set up for you?

Old Economy Steve would like a word with you.
The problem with the generation coming up like the one you're a part of is they want instant success and gratification WITHOUT putting in as much as the generations ahead of them.

Let me ask you this, short of starting your own shop (where you'd need a lot of experience to help drive success) what is the ideal work set up for you?
i dont want to be VP bro.

i dont want to have a mansion and drive lambos...

but kissing *** just to move up? hoping someone recognizes you? praying at a chance to rub elbows with a higher up in an elevator? who wants to do that **** forever.

i'm working on a masters degree... and plan on taking certifications to get to a point where i'm knowledgeable in the field of finance.

i'm not trying to be vested in this company bro. this job was primarily a stepping stone into other things. my plan was to do this and move on...

... i'm just saying that i totally feel like my plan is the right plan, now. it feel more comfortable in the fact that i dont want to follow the same track as everyone else. i never have in life, famb...

Work doesn't have to be your only source of making decisions with real impact. You could get involved in sports, volunteering, start a charity, start a group oriented around something you are genuinely interested. The corporate world is very much oriented towards achieving success by making your superiors happy. Perhaps you'd be better off keeping the job but focusing more effort on doing what makes you happy, and hopefully that's something where you could have an impact on others/the world in turn.
thanks bro... that was really insightful..
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son... i've been in this corporate finance gig for 2 MONTHS...

i'm not feeling this at all... making the next man rich... its just not what i want to be.

i make okay money for my age, nothing too exuberant. My momb is proud, and a lot of my friends are proud.

but I'm not in the business of doing things that doesnt make sense. I can easily work for my company for the next 30 years, retire VERY comfortably, and be alright forever...

but the chances of me making impactful decisions and getting to position that makes IMPACTFUL decisions.

i realized very quickly that this life isnt for me, fambs. I never understood why cats would say that, but I do now. I tried to so hard to get here, and its like... an empty feeling b/c i'm another corporate employee.

I've been talking to a lot of higher ups... vps, directors... and the steps that they've taken to get there are admirable... they've worked hard, sacrificed time and energy, and gave their heart to th company... they've been around 20+ years, and seen a lot of things. they're smart guys, and really nice people overall.

but i just dont trust that route. not as a black man, all the things i've seen.... i dont trust that things will be "OK"... i dont trust the system.

i dont trust "working my *** off for a menial promotion and 10K bump in pay that comes around during evaluations every year.

i dont trust kissing the *** of certain guys, hoping that they move up and bring you with them.

i dont trust not controlling your own destiny to some point.

working for a big company is cool and all... but i just dont think this is for me famb... I've always been the guy that thinks outside of the box... and this just pigeon holds this...

i'm 24 and i'm not a fan of corporate finance.

am i overreacting, famb? am i just scared of my eventual fate?

i know guys try their hardest to find jobs. and i'm grateful of mine.. but i just cant do this forever.

Is there anything particular you have in mind? Don't ignore your gut.
Work doesn't have to be your only source of making decisions with real impact. You could get involved in sports, volunteering, start a charity, start a group oriented around something you are genuinely interested. The corporate world is very much oriented towards achieving success by making your superiors happy. Perhaps you'd be better off keeping the job but focusing more effort on doing what makes you happy, and hopefully that's something where you could have an impact on others/the world in turn.

Good advice here.

Sorry to hear your career isn't as satisfying as you expected. I know you've kept NT updated and how hard you've worked to get here... so it's unfortunate after such a short time you're not happy with where you're at right now.

For your own personal happiness, right now, you should definitely make sure you're doing things outside of work that you enjoy. Friends, family, women, sports, community work, hobbies, etc., whatever you can do, make sure you're pursuing it. Then plan your next move. Save some money, make your connections, find what you could do and be passionate about, then pursue it as a career. Definitely consider yourself fortunate to be in your position... not that it was luck or you didn't work hard, because I'm sure you did, but you're still doing pretty well in the grand scheme.

But stick it out, find some things you're passionate about to help alleviate the disappointment from work, then find something better and go get it and that seems like your plan.
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I'm not saying you should be a lifer, either.

Unfortunately you opted for finance and you've before mentioned PE and other financial services like places - that's exactly the type of culture most places are. And that's not saying yiu do all the *** kissing you'll be living a millionaires dream, it's simply the industry standard requested of the masses within.

A masters is fine, but for your next step your relevant work experience is going to mean more due to the vast surplus of graduating MBA students.
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