been doing this corporate thing ... and...

On one hand I want to say, do whatever makes you happy.

On the other hand I want to say, be appreciative of the position you are in now.

You can do both, just look for something better but don't burn bridges.

There are plenty of people who went to college who can't even find a job in their fields or working retail or some other menial job just to get by.

Pick your spots.
Momb :lol:

This dude ricky is easily one of the most likeable dudes i've seen on this site.

But much to the chagrin of OP, i'm glad I didn't continue to get my associates in finance when I first entered college. I realized then that I was pushed into a "business" degree that I didn't want. My grades started to slip a little and I was like.....this isn't for me. I can't keep making fake friendships and contacts with no personal value to just make that person or myself rich.

When I switched to speech pathology and where i'm at right now (2nd year grad, about to go on externship starting january)....I'm glad I made that decision back then.

Hopefully any young NT'er reading this will realize that you should thoroughly research careers, learn as much as you can about something your interested in and go in. To tell you the truth I had some doubts with my current career during the process as well but that sorta like growing pains you gotta go through.

OP wish you luck dude. Maybe your going through growing pains right now I would say in times like this it would be important to leave what happens at your your job, and look into doing other things with the rest of your day to give you some time to put things in perspective.
Gotta work your way up man. Not gonna be making any major decisions at 2 months in. Grind through it and get to a project manager position
OP i was in the same boat sorta. In undergrad I was a business major and had an internship at a consulting firm and hated it. At the time I was volunteering at a mentor program and realized I liked helping people. I graduated with a business major but went back to school to get a Master's in Social Work. Graduated in May and just had an interview at Yale for a research/program evaluation position. What I would suggest is for you to think about positions you want no matter what field. After that conduct "Informational Interviews". Just email the person in your position of interest asking them if you could meet with them to find out more about their work and path. People are very willing to help and talk about themselves and it's a great way to network. Your still a student so people will be more willing to help. Also an MBA is very transferable to any field. I could pm you a copy of the general email I send out for informational interviews and my questionaire if you want. Keep your head up and your must be willing to try new things to find out what's right for you.
I think you just want attention breh.

Dont take this the wrong way, but you've always struck me as the type to want attention. Didn't you make a thread about how you only had three months to live or something like that? Or was that somebody else?

Then you made a thread about how you got your job you always wanted, and now you make a thread about how you got your job you always wanted but it's not good enough for your.


Do something.

If you made it that far, you aren't completely dumb. You obviously know that action makes changes. What's complaining about it going to do? What's your next move? What's your move for the next ten years? Do you see yourself there? If the answer is yes, then stop complaining and do the best job you can do at what you're doing. If not, then take one step at a time to do what you feel like you need to do to get to where you want to be. If you dont know where you want to be, then that's where you need to start. Figure that out first, then move forward. Dont just sit and wine and complain that things aren't ok, because that's what I got from your first few posts in this thread. That doesn't get you anywhere.

Not rocket science bro.

Might be easier said than done, but it's definitely not rocket science.
I think you just want attention breh.

Dont take this the wrong way, but you've always struck me as the type to want attention. Didn't you make a thread about how you only had three months to live or something like that? Or was that somebody else?

Then you made a thread about how you got your job you always wanted, and now you make a thread about how you got your job you always wanted but it's not good enough for your.


Do something.

If you made it that far, you aren't completely dumb. You obviously know that action makes changes. What's complaining about it going to do? What's your next move? What's your move for the next ten years? Do you see yourself there? If the answer is yes, then stop complaining and do the best job you can do at what you're doing. If not, then take one step at a time to do what you feel like you need to do to get to where you want to be. If you dont know where you want to be, then that's where you need to start. Figure that out first, then move forward. Dont just sit and wine and complain that things aren't ok, because that's what I got from your first few posts in this thread. That doesn't get you anywhere.

Not rocket science bro.

Might be easier said than done, but it's definitely not rocket science.
I think dude is just venting and asking for advice/anyone in a similiar situation. I see you made some recommendations but that's all you need to write.   try to bring him up instead of bringing him down and moving the thread into a negative light.
Be patient, build your wealth, make plans to start your own thing. Be grateful you feel this way now at 24 instead of 34. You got time famb, be patient and make moves..
I think you just want attention breh.

Dont take this the wrong way, but you've always struck me as the type to want attention. Didn't you make a thread about how you only had three months to live or something like that? Or was that somebody else?

Then you made a thread about how you got your job you always wanted, and now you make a thread about how you got your job you always wanted but it's not good enough for your.


Do something.

If you made it that far, you aren't completely dumb. You obviously know that action makes changes. What's complaining about it going to do? What's your next move? What's your move for the next ten years? Do you see yourself there? If the answer is yes, then stop complaining and do the best job you can do at what you're doing. If not, then take one step at a time to do what you feel like you need to do to get to where you want to be. If you dont know where you want to be, then that's where you need to start. Figure that out first, then move forward. Dont just sit and wine and complain that things aren't ok, because that's what I got from your first few posts in this thread. That doesn't get you anywhere.

Not rocket science bro.

Might be easier said than done, but it's definitely not rocket science.

I think dude is just venting and asking for advice/anyone in a similiar situation. I see you made some recommendations but that's all you need to write.   try to bring him up instead of bringing him down and moving the thread into a negative light.

Well, allow me to offer some "bring him up" advice.

Pick up some books and read.

Two that I can offer that I really liked are The Practicing Mind and The Millionaire Fastlane. Both perspective altering books.
I'm there. Dealing with executives constantly and having their belief and support behind me, I could stick this out and see being a Senior VP one day, but recently more and more i'm thinking of a plan to just stack and start rounding up small businesses/franchises etc. I blame young hollywood.

And again vitriol from people who aren't anywhere near the situation. :smh:
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I'm in a similar boat. I want a new job badly and up until recently I didnt look because I felt guilty about it seeing as how they took a chance on me out of college when they didnt really need to and could have just taken someone with actual work experience, but over the last few weeks of seeing them operate I no longer care about that sort of thing and am going to start seriously looking for other opportunities.
Did I miss where you said what you want to do after achieving your masters? I get your take on corporate life - but I'm more curious as to what you think your future aspirations are going to be like.
Learn as much as you can from them. Continue to work hard but try figuring out exactly what would make you happy and try to marry that with a world demand. Use all your knowledge to develope that idea. That will lead you where you hopefully want to be.
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Not about that corporate life myself, but luckily I learned that quick in my finance internship. Working like a drone, and having to work twice as hard and be someone I'm not because I'm a minority. **** that.
I think you just want attention breh.

Dont take this the wrong way, but you've always struck me as the type to want attention. Didn't you make a thread about how you only had three months to live or something like that? Or was that somebody else?

Then you made a thread about how you got your job you always wanted, and now you make a thread about how you got your job you always wanted but it's not good enough for your.


Do something.

If you made it that far, you aren't completely dumb. You obviously know that action makes changes. What's complaining about it going to do? What's your next move? What's your move for the next ten years? Do you see yourself there? If the answer is yes, then stop complaining and do the best job you can do at what you're doing. If not, then take one step at a time to do what you feel like you need to do to get to where you want to be. If you dont know where you want to be, then that's where you need to start. Figure that out first, then move forward. Dont just sit and wine and complain that things aren't ok, because that's what I got from your first few posts in this thread. That doesn't get you anywhere.

Not rocket science bro.

Might be easier said than done, but it's definitely not rocket science.
View media item 543356
last threads i've started...

1. entry level luxury cars
2. been doing this corporate thing and...
3. help with a potential threesome. should i make the drive 2 hours for it?
4. cheapest split between a man and a woman
5. finally got this corporate job
6. thread about yambs
7. graduate students of NT

but you're cool so i'm guessing you have me confused with someone else. and the advice that you gave has some vitriol, but i'm not going to try and argue.

yes, i made the thread about me finally getting this job because i had worked almost a year for it.. and i did it MY way.. even AFTER applying to a milion different places, praying for a call back or even a chance.

i upped and moved to a city that i have no friends/family at, and do my own thing...

so trust me when i say, i understand what you say about being proactive and doing something. something will be done...

but i'm not stupid, bro. i'm not about to quick my job and go out on a whim. its about reducing risk, and you reduce it with knowledge.

i've read COUNTLESS articles about breaking away from the corporate big company structure, and the best way to do it is 1. have atleast a years worth of salary to sustain yourself and 2. have enough experience so that you can go back if you need to go back.

when you say complaining, sorry if you took it that way. i'm just stating how i feel, and wondering if anyone else has the same thought process, and it seems like they do.

i've learned a long time ago that the system of supposed "structure" really doesnt apply to a black man... its not head down in the sand, and everything will be alright... cuz it wont.

and in 10 years, naw, yo... i dont plan on being a director of finance for my company... i very well could be. but i just dont know if that's for me.

Did I miss where you said what you want to do after achieving your masters? I get your take on corporate life - but I'm more curious as to what you think your future aspirations are going to be like.
i went into the finance program because i love the way money ticks. i love how EVERY BUSINESS (for the most part) is aobut getting paper. i wanted a better understanding of how the dollar works, b/c if you dont know, its hard to be successful in the financial industry.

as far as what i want to do, i've had several talks with people on here, and even those doing it... dont want to be too open, but its in the PE (private equity) arena (taking small to mid sized companies, trimming fat, directing them, selling them, buying them, etc)
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I have been trying to get a coporate job so bad since I graduated with my masters in accounting. Go on career builder, moneyjobs, indeed, etc and haven't gotten ANYTHING yet. Not even a callback :frown: I have loans to pay too :frown:
I would hate being an ***-kisser. 

..One of my boys from high school is actually an analyst at one of the big 5 banks in Canada. But this dude is too smart and sharp-minded, had amazing grades in hs, went to the top business school in canada (Schulich) and majored in finance with economics minor. He told me he spent last Christmas eve, new years eve, new years day, and all of dec and jan studying just to prepare for the three hour interview he had at his bank. He also told me traders work from 7am to 7pm. He got an internship on the TD trading floor and he showed me pics of his work-desk it was like three computer monitors and I think he analyzes charts all day, and he's like always studying the markets. 

Brutal stuff IMO, I aint bout that life at all whatsoever.  
That's life man.

I honestly feel like race doesn't have that much to do with it. I know many successful black men.

Now, gender. If you were a woman, then I could see where you're coming from. That's the sad truth, Ruth.

Also, you've only been there for two months. It definitely takes a lot longer to where you want to go. Don't worry. Just work hard, and you'll get to where you want to be. Some "stepping stones" last upwards to a year or more.
I feel what OP is going through. I worked it big oil a few years back and hated it. Paychecks were nice but I hated monday thru friday. Best thing to happen to me was getting laid off.

I absolutely could not do the corporate thing. It feels like a cattle drive, hords of people converging into their stables we call skyscrapers just to punch a clock.
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