Being a Coach Appreciation

Find a connection. Best advice I can give you if you want to break through in college. Meet people volunteer your time, all of that. It pays off.
Been coaching my son since he was 5 in Basketball and since he was 8 in football. He is now 11 and I just coached my first real traveling squad. We played 40 games over three months and I absolutely love it. I told myself that I was done coaching after that but just last week was recruited to coach his spring team. As much as I love coaching I do regret not getting to just sit down and watch him play. This will be my last season for sure. I love and look forward to hanging with the my kids absolutely hate the parents. Now that things are getting competitive I'm starting to see the ugly side of parents a lot more. I had a parent tell me this season that I was hurting his sons chance at making the high school team at the position I was playing him at.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Shorty Doo Wop

Being a basketball coach for a major university is a goal of mine right now im in college tho

You need to become a manager for the men's or women's team then. What are you currently doing to reach that goal?
Word. Most move from managers to Director's of Basketball Operations to Assistants unless they take the Graduate Assistant route. 
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Come back and tell me how much you like it when you have

A. Big fat kids thinking they are God's gift to athletics.
B. Know it all parents
C. PArents threatening you because their kid isn't getting tick
D. Losing damn near all of your games.

Won't be fun then. But when a kid comes up to you and says, "Coach ___ I never knew half of the stuff you taught me before this season" then it all feels so good.

Inner city coaching is a different beast man. Remember most of these dudes never get instruction from a male so they don't usually know how to take it. No fathers, no male teachers (other than PE), so you are the devil to many of them. It is tough man, the athlete of today is tough to deal with. But someone taught me so we have to teach the young ins
yeah I'm anticipating this but then again I come from the same type of background/upbringing your talking about so really I'm just going to take what I was taught that helped me and others like me the most when I was their age and put my own spin on it... I have a lot of experience working with at risk youth & loud elementary kids.  I've become immune to a lot of the bull kaka and as for the parents just have to laugh it off and be professional from what I know and have seen.
Originally Posted by raptors29

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Shorty Doo Wop

Being a basketball coach for a major university is a goal of mine right now im in college tho

You need to become a manager for the men's or women's team then. What are you currently doing to reach that goal?
Word. Most move from managers to Director's of Basketball Operations to Assistants unless they take the Graduate Assistant route. 
But, that takes patience and sacrifice to go that Grad Assistant route. My cousin is on his second D1 football assistant coaching job and he was telling me the Grad Assistants put in a ton of work just to work your way up the ladder. He even had to take a paycut when he first got into coaching by coaching at his alma mater (HS). So for anybody who wants to go that route, be prepared for long nights putting film together and other "non-glamorous" tasks.
I've been volunteer coaching for 6 years now in basketball, I also did a year of flag football and soccer, Its fun, luckily I've had good parents, my team has been to the championship every year except the last but I have yet to win it, this year I might not coach though I haven't decided yet. If you are in a league were all kids have to play, try to get the sorry players to play a lot early in the game that way if its a tight game late you won't have to substitute
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

you won't be sayin this once your star bball player demands a trade in the offseason

Better yet when he asks for u to get fired.. BOOM.
I put an AAU basketball team together for my son when he was 6. It started all good with the parents and now that theyre 11, some of them are starting to complain even though we're winning tournaments and theyre getting better. It does get stressful when they get older.
Congrats, But honestly anytime when your a coach its the best feeling when your students of the game responds well to what you have giving them to practice and be ready for the game wise. i enjoy coaching myself
Originally Posted by Jaw Knee C

I put an AAU basketball team together for my son when he was 6. It started all good with the parents and now that theyre 11, some of them are starting to complain even though we're winning tournaments and theyre getting better. It does get stressful when they get older.

what do you do in a situation like this?
Originally Posted by Don Dela Vega

Originally Posted by Jaw Knee C

I put an AAU basketball team together for my son when he was 6. It started all good with the parents and now that theyre 11, some of them are starting to complain even though we're winning tournaments and theyre getting better. It does get stressful when they get older.

what do you do in a situation like this?

You listen and that's it. You can't bend over backwards for a kid and adjust everything you're doing because a parent is complaining about playing time or doesn't like the offense you're running. I never want to lose a player but I'm not going to lose sleep over it because there are 11 other players on the team and their parents are happy and realizes its a team sport and their child is getting better from a skil development perspective.
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