Being Cordial to Random People

Aug 10, 2003
Maybe its just me but i find it tough to be cordial to random people. And some people get the wrong idea like im some stuck up person who doesn't like anyone. But the reality is I'm just a shy/introverted guy who just minds their own business. Its just something I gots to get used to but when initiating conversation it can be tough for me but if some random person came up to me and talked I have no problem coming up with a conversation back. Its weird. Even a friendly hello or good morning is something I don't do. For example the security guard at my job or even the maintenance guy I see every day and i just walk by them and go in the office without saying anything. It maybe rude but I guess I just mind my own business and keep it moving. Does anybody else do this or is it just me? I need to get over this and change my ways so I can be more yambitious
I'm shy and introverted as well, but that doesn't stop me from saying good morning. You never know that it may make someone's day especially a maintenance man or guard who people look down at to begin with.
If I saw the security guy and maintenance guy every day I'd great 'em by name and dap 'em up…

But then again I tend to be pretty cordial.

Not outgoing, but cordial.
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You know, whether you feel this way or not, you're an *******. You don't get to decide how other people view you, and if you know you aren't cordial to people, then you are an *******. Live with it, embrace it, plenty of folks are ******** out there, no need to use some bs psych 101 term....just say "Hi I'm Yo go boy and I'm an *******."
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I just smile if we meet eyes
If they say hi or morning then I'll say it back, if not I keep it moving

My doorman usually just nod if I'm in a hurry or have headphones and i would say sup if I'm not in a hurry
I work corporate and in a building with security and what not. I see people come and go in the building and don't say a thing. I even say hello every day but I think the guards all think I am some goober. Honestly it's work and regardless, I doubt people really take consideration on everyone's personalities. It'd just be too much stress for no reason. And even if you are that hi and bye type guy, no gives you credit for being nicer. I mean I did that at one point to a lot of people and even wouldn't get a response back but I've learned to not care as much.
I am friendly to everyone and say "hi" "how you doing" etc but I see many people who put their head down or can be socially awkward
i walk through halls where ill pass between 2-15 people or so...

if we make eye contact, ill speak. outside of that, F!!!'em

"I acknowledge random people everyday.

Downward head nod to the fellas and smiles for the ladies."

this as well. +quote feature dont load at work lol
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Im a pretty friendly person. If someone starts conversation with me, ill entertain it. If I go shopping and someone tries to help me, im a "good" customer. I'll strike conversation and blah blah.

Everyone has a story, you meet interesting people if you just sit down and start a little convo.
im not depressed man :lol:... im actually happy about my life and everything that i got and look forward to the future... it would be better if i had a dog but that time will come
If im walking into a store, and a woman is walking out if the store through the same door, 10 out of 10 times im opening the door for them and stepping aside so they can walk through . Flash them a big smile and everyone's feeling good :pimp: Dem dere positive vibes are a good look for your mental health IMO
I take a moment to say hello with a smile to almost every one. If I have time, I'll even ask how they are doing...

A simple hello goes a long way

Spread love not hate.
Takes ZERO effort to say good morning or to be cordial to someone. ZERO.

I wonder about NT, man. I really do.
That shy **** is no excuse. I'm as introverted as they come but I still aknowledge people, particularly those you see on regular basis or when you make eye contact with someone. When I was in NY both times though, I was surprised how little people spoke to each other though, not even like a "good morning," everyone was just on the train mugging each other and letting doors close in each other's face.
That shy **** is no excuse. I'm as introverted as they come but I still aknowledge people, particularly those you see on regular basis or when you make eye contact with someone. When I was in NY both times though, I was surprised how little people spoke to each other though, not even like a "good morning," everyone was just on the train mugging each other and letting doors close in each other's face.

well i am from the tristate so this does make some type of sense :lol:
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