Being Cordial to Random People

I just hit them with head the nod. The upwards one though. Not that downwards ****...Or I'll do that closed lips smile :stoneface:
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Being cordial is easy. All you have to do is pretend to be a nice person, then people will treat you as such.

On a related note:
Many black ppl that i've encountered give excellent daps.
Idk what it is, but i think race plays a part in it.
I have an asian friend who I've known for 2 years. His daps are awkward as hell.
Meanwhile I could go to a gas station and a random black dude will dap me so perfectly that I question if I know him or not.
Anyone else notice this?
You dap random people??? How does that work??? Where do you stay?? I've never came across a dap. Not from a black dude (or any dude really) They'll either try that staring **** or look away.... Like yea you better look away :stoneface:
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Thank god I worked in retail. Seriously without Best Buy teaching me to smile and greet every customer for years I would never speak to people in public. I strike up convos everywhere and I truly believe its contributed to a lot of the professional accomplishments in my life. Networking is almost everything...

but still just in public talking to people makes me feel like a better person and just feels good. renews your faith in society from time to time.
Takes ZERO effort to say good morning or to be cordial to someone. ZERO.

I wonder about NT, man. I really do.

Here's some food for thought for you socially awkward individuals. If someone at your work place decides to go postal and starts dusting people off based on their perception of them, you really want to be that dude that never acknowledged their existence?
it depends on where i am...

...people are usually much friendlier in the city, and say hi and i say hi

...people in the suburbs are usually cranky, and judgmental so i go on my way
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I try to be cordial because I want to influence others to do the same. Can you imagine if we were all acting like drones and only care about ourselves? I see some people just swing the door open and not care who else is trailing behind them :smh: it just takes a second, if someone is behind you, its common courtesy to just hold it for a sec. It doesn't take much effort but some people are just so wrapped up in their own life that they forget to care about others.
I greet ppl to let em know Juice is on the scene. Usually shoot **** with the secretary at the front desk for a bit then walk to my department. Yambs get smiles and if we cool "hi, how are you?" If they give a genuine response, small chat. You need to make sure you greet the females at work. They look out for you :pimp:

Guys get a nod and a silent hi. My YGs get dap.
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Here's some food for thought for you socially awkward individuals. If someone at your work place decides to go postal and starts dusting people off based on their perception of them, you really want to be that dude that never acknowledged their existence?

I've honestly always thought about it this way :rofl: . Im a really shy dude but i hit everyone i see with the "Hi how you doing".
Always pays to be cordial ... It really only makes sense. I've made a multitude of great friendships just by being cordial.

Just like dude above me said, I am quite shy myself, but I guess it was just the way I was raised.

And as stated, it takes zero effort and can makes someone's day.
That shy **** is no excuse. I'm as introverted as they come but I still aknowledge people, particularly those you see on regular basis or when you make eye contact with someone. When I was in NY both times though, I was surprised how little people spoke to each other though, not even like a "good morning," everyone was just on the train mugging each other and letting doors close in each other's face.

well i am from the tristate so this does make some type of sense :lol:

I'm prolly in the area as you (I'm guessing NJ), people say Hi or are cordial to me often. Some folks just have that "resting b***h face" that silently reads **** OFF!
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I just nod and say hey, whats up to the ppl nearby, bit most times I don't say **** though. Depends how I'm feeling that day.

Here's some food for thought for you socially awkward individuals. If someone at your work place decides to go postal and starts dusting people off based on their perception of them, you really want to be that dude that never acknowledged their existence?

I've honestly always thought about it this way :rofl: . Im a really shy dude but i hit everyone i see with the "Hi how you doing".

I used to be shy. I still consider myself an introvert though I'm more social now. I was forced to when I started working and had to work with other folks.

I strike convo all the time, with both males and females. This is how I'm able to get numbers from chicks from time time, as a byproduct after building rapport.
By nature I'm an introvert.

I work in a corporate environment. I'm ambitious and want to climb the corporate latter.

Therefore, over the last couple of years I have stepped out of my introverted comfort zone and I am very cordial and warm to people who I hold value in. It is moreso strategic and for my own benefit than it is genuine. 

More than just a simple "hi" or "goodbye", the following are also other ways to play the game:

-Point out something unique about someone and compliment them on it. Example. Somebody got a new haircut? When you notice, acknowledge it and tell them how great it looks.

- Ask somebody's opinion on something. As a manager in finance, when you are put in a position where people work for you, people naturally look at you as an *******. Part of overcoming that is seeing eye to eye with people, showing them that you value them and respect them. The best way to do that is ask them their opinion on something and show that you have a keen interest in what they have to say. It will make them feel valued and important. 

-Remember one random thing about somebody, and later in the future bring it up and ask them how it went. This really makes people smile. It shows them that you actually listen to them, remember them, and have them on their mind. For example, a few months ago my analyst said she wanted to put her son in cello lessons. Nobody on the team really cared. Last week I randomly asked her how the cello lessons went and how her son has grown with it.

The above is really simple stuff, it isn't rocket science, most people just fail to do it cause they are lazy, don't care, or too concerned about themselves to bother. The way I see it, my number 1 emphasis is my success and happiness, and in order for me to be successful in a corporate environment, I need to strategically play this game. So in a way, yes, by nature you can be an introvert, and still be artificially social. 
I'm from the South, baby. We were raised with manners. What's up with that these days? It's like folks were raised to be stuck up ********. You nod or smile at someone, they look through you. You greet them, nothing. Folks around here (Maryland) don't even ask for things anymore. They make demands. FOH.
I'm always cordial to random people, especially if they are looking near your direction, whether it's actually saying something or giving a headnod.

Autocorrect tried to write "headmistress"
Thank god I worked in retail. Seriously without Best Buy teaching me to smile and greet every customer for years I would never speak to people in public. I strike up convos everywhere and I truly believe its contributed to a lot of the professional accomplishments in my life. Networking is almost everything...

but still just in public talking to people makes me feel like a better person and just feels good. renews your faith in society from time to time.

exactly...working in sales teaches you the importance of communication & networking
being cordial to strangers SHOULD be easier than being nice/codrial to people you see daily if that makes sense
This is coming from the guy who said being a good person is overrated...
You don't have to be cordial to people. You don't have to acknowledge a single person [dead or alive], animal, statue, anything. You can walk around with your horse blinders and headphones on all day if you want but if you're going to make that decision, be consistent. Don't ignore 100 people on your way to work and try to chat up the cute girl you sit across from for yambs, it won't work. And then keep in mind nothing good will ever be done for you that you didn't do 100% yourself.

Good luck.
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definately walk with my eyes up and eye contact and a smile at every person i walk past. I always feel in a much better mood when people do this to me so i do the same back
anyone ever had to walk down a lengthy hallway and you see another person coming and they see you and you sort of meet eyes from far away but as you get closer they avert their gaze downwards?

I always feel awkward when they do that. 
Whats with the staring into strangers eyes? I dont get why people do that? What do you expect to happen? Why do it? I dont get the point in staring down a stranger.
Even though I never look at strangers I feel their filthy gaze on me. :lol:
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