Being Sober is boring

Order sample packs of the whites, greens and reds from an online vendor to see what you like. I order mine online from Kratom Virtue, MmmSpeciosa, Coastal Kratom, Herbal Salvation... Try out the blends as well. You don't smoke it. People drink it as a tea, the easiest way is mixing it into apple sauce or orange juice/lemon water and chugging it down. You can also get large pill capsules from Amazon and take em as you go. Some smoke shops might not have the best quality kratom so that's why I think it's better to find a vendors online with good reviews. The sample packs are usually very cheap and give you a variety of strains and colors to try to see what you prefer.
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Get you some hobbies. Learning to cook really well is a good one because you can have friends over and impress them. BBQ cookouts, etc.

A couple that I house sit for are recovering alcoholics. They been sober 30 years or something and are both doctors now. Anyways, they built an in home movie theater and have movie nights all the time. They go to movie festivals all over the world, attend screenings all the time etc.

There are a lot of hobbies out there that can be social hobbies too. You don't have to be a hermit. Or if you are being a hermit, at least improve yourself while you're doing it, and maybe you can meet that special someone that wants to live that hermit lifestyle with you. Hit the gym while your old drinking buddies are all out getting wasted.
Congrats on being sober.

Drinking in moderation is enjoyable. Drinking excessively is destructive and people who abuse alcohol are the worst people to be around. I'd say keep yourself occupied - join a gym, play video games, do crossword puzzles, read a book.
Get you some hobbies. Learning to cook really well is a good one because you can have friends over and impress them. BBQ cookouts, etc.

A couple that I house sit for are recovering alcoholics. They been sober 30 years or something and are both doctors now. Anyways, they built an in home movie theater and have movie nights all the time. They go to movie festivals all over the world, attend screenings all the time etc.

There are a lot of hobbies out there that can be social hobbies too. You don't have to be a hermit. Or if you are being a hermit, at least improve yourself while you're doing it, and maybe you can meet that special someone that wants to live that hermit lifestyle with you. Hit the gym while your old drinking buddies are all out getting wasted.
All the stuff you mentioned is actually much more fun when your stoned.
This. Just learned how to cook last year. Have a ritual where I blaze a bowl and playlist ready. Kids be hella happy
I'm the type of dude that'll go to the bar and not buy a drink. i'm solely there for the wimmenz. However, when I have liquor in me. I'm definitely more bold and courageous.
I've been sober 5 years 8 months TODAY

It doesn't matter but I just thought that you should know before I start stating my opinion.....

I associate with several AA groups,

Southern California is a hotbed for AA and thus the perception is that you can "always come back"

It talks about this in the 12 & 12 ....

basically you think that you don't relate to others because you think you're different...... You can't imagine your life with or Without Drinking....

here's my grandsponsor speaking...

We travel all over SoCal with him to see him speak... Its pretty cool its like riding with Jesus...

I also ran into this guy today at the Post Office .... He started the main group I'm a part of... I see him speak every Thanksgiving and in between... sometimes.

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Clavo isnt a specific drug, it just translates to 'stash'

Clavo can mean drank bud white girl meth heroin anything.
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