Being TALL Appreciation!!!

Being 6'5 ftw.
5'8 and im 17

dads only like 5'3 and a half
moms is like 4'10

looks like im not growing anymore..but i still have hope...
6'2" / 187.96 cm FTW.

Though shopping for clothes can be a pain. It's like all the clothes were made for short overweight people.
But when I find the stuff that fits...
5'7"- 5'8" wish I was 5'11" but ah what can I do no one besides 1 grandparent has been 6' and that is on the dot.
I'm 6'1 maybe 6'2. I still remember what it was like being short. In like kindergarten till like 2nd grade I was always one of the shortest kids inmy class.
I wanted to be tall so bad I use to walk on the tips of my toesin school.
Man, tall people die quicker, short people always askin for favors, girls want to hang all on us, its a ver sressful lifestyle
I'm 6'0 and quite happy about. Tall people seem more capable and trustworthy so I'm glad I have at least that going for me.
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