Being ugly unappreciation. Vol. nah man, we dont love you.

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

being an ugly dude is survivable if you got the gift of gab and can dress semi decent.

however if your an ugly or fat woman and your not rich, your life is pretty much *%@+%$ as sad as it is to say. i've seen ugly bummy dudes with no hope and no future pull decent lookin girls but you rarely see ugly fat woman with a dude that would be considered decent lookin

word. i too have seen the strange phenomenon of an ugly dude with an attractive female. and i always be like wow he pulled that? but anyway op you need to step your confidence game up and not let petty @@+% like this get you down. i'm not the best looking guy either but i do pretty for good for myself. its all in your mind really. and adrianna is foine. ive been sleeping on that broad. 
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

being an ugly dude is survivable if you got the gift of gab and can dress semi decent.

however if your an ugly or fat woman and your not rich, your life is pretty much *%@+%$ as sad as it is to say. i've seen ugly bummy dudes with no hope and no future pull decent lookin girls but you rarely see ugly fat woman with a dude that would be considered decent lookin

word. i too have seen the strange phenomenon of an ugly dude with an attractive female. and i always be like wow he pulled that? but anyway op you need to step your confidence game up and not let petty @@+% like this get you down. i'm not the best looking guy either but i do pretty for good for myself. its all in your mind really. and adrianna is foine. ive been sleeping on that broad. 
Yellow is working Lima in all these pics. Lima looks a little diseased, something like Rosario Dawson in 7 Pounds.
Yellow is working Lima in all these pics. Lima looks a little diseased, something like Rosario Dawson in 7 Pounds.
Damn man, u look straight up WEAK
, U could've at least put your arm around the girl on the other side of you, instead of lookin like you playin pocket pool
Damn man, u look straight up WEAK
, U could've at least put your arm around the girl on the other side of you, instead of lookin like you playin pocket pool
Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

+%@% sucks man. #foreveralone

Met Adriana Lima today, and I soon as she saw me walk up she turned her back on me. Probably one of the lowest feelings of my life. +%@% killed my self-esteem. A friend of mine went before me and she faced her, held her arm and everything. Then when i walk up she turns her back to me. I am heartbroken.

How do I become a beautiful black man? Like a black A-Rod?


Her body language says it all
I just had to come back and look at this. Cotdamn this is pitiful. One thing, Lima looks dead anyway, and is like the 4th hottest one out of them in the first place (the1st girl in pink and Candace Swanpoel in the yellow can get it). 
Damn, this could have been epic steez, but you lookin like Cory Gunz being yelled at by his dad. You need a do-over and FAST. Whatever female RnB concert is comin near your city, hit that up and be prepraed.
Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

+%@% sucks man. #foreveralone

Met Adriana Lima today, and I soon as she saw me walk up she turned her back on me. Probably one of the lowest feelings of my life. +%@% killed my self-esteem. A friend of mine went before me and she faced her, held her arm and everything. Then when i walk up she turns her back to me. I am heartbroken.

How do I become a beautiful black man? Like a black A-Rod?


Her body language says it all
I just had to come back and look at this. Cotdamn this is pitiful. One thing, Lima looks dead anyway, and is like the 4th hottest one out of them in the first place (the1st girl in pink and Candace Swanpoel in the yellow can get it). 
Damn, this could have been epic steez, but you lookin like Cory Gunz being yelled at by his dad. You need a do-over and FAST. Whatever female RnB concert is comin near your city, hit that up and be prepraed.
This thread is embarrassing as *!+#

What was I thinking when i made this thread

But yea like most times I make threads, a lot of you guys come out with some good advice and encouragement and thats something I really appreciate

But DAMN I look pitiful as !$$% in that picture
This thread is embarrassing as *!+#

What was I thinking when i made this thread

But yea like most times I make threads, a lot of you guys come out with some good advice and encouragement and thats something I really appreciate

But DAMN I look pitiful as !$$% in that picture
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