Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Ben should just deny the pics are of the blame on Hines Ward
#442 - DIRTYLICIOUS says - reply to this

LET ME GET AN ASL on the asian dude??
I want to grease him up and tackle him in a thong

#453 - KINGCRUX31 says - reply to this

HEY dirtylicious, can you use lube next time, my *@+ still hurts.
I really want to throw this BEN BALLER guy in the mix with us though.

....and NT keeps em rollin
@ NTers takin frustrations out on not being able to post inappropriate comments on Perez Hiltons blog..
Originally Posted by lurkin2long

Originally Posted by Saku039

so its cool to hang out with madden and paris hilton. i wonder whats to talk about?
u mad?

no of coarse not. being critical and being jealous do not necessarily go hand in hand.
Originally Posted by Saku039

It's so cool to hang around douche bags and attention whores...i guess thats what it takes to get into the "in" crowd.

I don't want to be too critical but from what Ive seen, these people are devoid of any talent other than being famous for being famous. Furthermore, when you reach a certain age or maturity, how can you take hanging out with people who seem to have a questionable ethical and moral compass? Where the most important thing in life is to spend money on nothing but material things and to consume as much of it as possible. Its a pity not use their influence or noteriety on more positive things. But thats ok I guess. Its their life and they choose to do whatever they want with it. I just dont give much credence to these type of "celebrities."
Originally Posted by Saku039

so its cool to hang out with madden and paris hilton. i wonder whats to talk about?
Originally Posted by Saku039

its so funny having jesus' tattoo on your neck when he is known for his modesty and piousness only because its cool to have a jesus tattoo. what hypocrisy.
Originally Posted by Saku039

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by GREENREDGREEN

Why is it always some anonymous dude tryna make a statement?

if you're talking about the NT'er above i feel him but i def know what you're talking about.
always some dude with 3 posts coming from the shadows to "expose" people as if hes greater than though yet gives no info of himself.

im not trying to be preachy like im above it all. im actually just the avg person who has their own positives and negatives. i can also appreciate material wealth. but nothing to this extreme where its meant to be flaunted without discretion. theres alot more attention worthy individuals in this world other than these type of people.
Frustrated, sir?
Originally Posted by Purple Face

Originally Posted by Saku039

It's so cool to hang around douche bags and attention whores...i guess thats what it takes to get into the "in" crowd.

I don't want to be too critical but from what Ive seen, these people are devoid of any talent other than being famous for being famous. Furthermore, when you reach a certain age or maturity, how can you take hanging out with people who seem to have a questionable ethical and moral compass? Where the most important thing in life is to spend money on nothing but material things and to consume as much of it as possible. Its a pity not use their influence or noteriety on more positive things. But thats ok I guess. Its their life and they choose to do whatever they want with it. I just dont give much credence to these type of "celebrities."
Originally Posted by Saku039

so its cool to hang out with madden and paris hilton. i wonder whats to talk about?
Originally Posted by Saku039

its so funny having jesus' tattoo on your neck when he is known for his modesty and piousness only because its cool to have a jesus tattoo. what hypocrisy.
Originally Posted by Saku039

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by GREENREDGREEN

Why is it always some anonymous dude tryna make a statement?

if you're talking about the NT'er above i feel him but i def know what you're talking about.
always some dude with 3 posts coming from the shadows to "expose" people as if hes greater than though yet gives no info of himself.

im not trying to be preachy like im above it all. im actually just the avg person who has their own positives and negatives. i can also appreciate material wealth. but nothing to this extreme where its meant to be flaunted without discretion. theres alot more attention worthy individuals in this world other than these type of people.
Frustrated, sir?

more like confused with the attention this recieves. hahaha
not really sure as to why he smiles like he does, it looks like hes trying to let flies or bees in his mouth or flies that have bees or flies that command anarmy of bees disguised as flies....15+ pages btw
Originally Posted by StarBucks GTD

Originally Posted by 6demonbag

@ NTers takin frustrations out on not being able to post inappropriate comments on Perez Hiltons blog..


Word dudes are wilin.

fo reals. It aint even about Ben no more, they gettin at everybody
Originally Posted by xxxoverridexxx

Originally Posted by Saku039

Originally Posted by lurkin2long

Originally Posted by Saku039

so its cool to hang out with madden and paris hilton. i wonder whats to talk about?
u mad?

no of coarse not. being critical and being jealous do not necessarily go hand in hand.
hes mad

never mad. but i would be envious if he was hang out with a guy like anthony bourdain or a woman like monica belluci. now you i dont know. if you cansee reasoning where i should be mad about this, then you must be a good charlotte fan and simple life fan. nice entertainment.
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