Ben & Kobe Same Accusation Media Double Standard?

Feb 8, 2009
Since the news wont say it I will. Ben Roethlisberger has been accused of raping a woman a year ago this story is a couple months old and even when it hit thenews it was a 5 day story.

Kobe gets accused he loses endorsements gets his name drugged in the mud pretty much guilty til proven innocent by the media.

Ben gets bothered about it once or twice gets back to his life still gets endorsements.

Now I believe both of these dudes are innocent but why the hell is Ben not being put through the media fire that a Kobe got. Hcck even Pitino was saying thedumbest stuff about his rape accusation and the media didnt blow it up. Let Pac Man bring late congressman Ted Kennedy into a conversation about his criminalallegation for sympathy the media would be all over it.

Or maybe Im missing something
Count the number of Kobe commercials you see compared to the number of Roetheoeoeslesberger commercials you see on t.v.

There's your answer.
It's not the answer you wanna hear, but they brought criminal charges against kobe first before the civil suit.
Originally Posted by Ghenges

Count the number of Kobe commercials you see compared to the number of Roetheoeoeslesberger commercials you see on t.v.

There's your answer.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Kobe is a household name.. Ben Roetheoeoeslesberger? First time I everheard of the dude was a few weeks ago, and still didn't even know who he was nor did I really care[/color]
Originally Posted by Ghenges

Count the number of Kobe commercials you see compared to the number of Roetheoeoeslesberger commercials you see on t.v.

There's your answer.
you mean before or after theywere accused of rape? because Ben has more than Kobe did
Originally Posted by Ghenges

Count the number of Kobe commercials you see compared to the number of Roetheoeoeslesberger commercials you see on t.v.

There's your answer.

thats a very logical answer sir. and to think, i was gone come in here and say "Its cause he's black".
cmon man, you know.

even if the double standard isnt the whole story, its at least part of the reason.
You telling me a 2 time Super Bowl star Qb on one of the more famous teams in the most popular sports league in America is unknown?

When he survived that motorcycle crash he had more publicity.
Shut That Up!!!!
Pulling the black card again.
Difference is Ben's accuser is allegingshe was raped a year ago and now is look for a pay check. No criminal charges are being brought up against Ben.
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by Ghenges

Count the number of Kobe commercials you see compared to the number of Roetheoeoeslesberger commercials you see on t.v.

There's your answer.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Kobe is a household name.. Ben Roetheoeoeslesberger? First time I ever heard of the dude was a few weeks ago, and still didn't even know who he was nor did I really care[/color]

You don't watch sports huh?
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by Ghenges

Count the number of Kobe commercials you see compared to the number of Roetheoeoeslesberger commercials you see on t.v.

There's your answer.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Kobe is a household name.. Ben Roetheoeoeslesberger? First time I ever heard of the dude was a few weeks ago, and still didn't even know who he was nor did I really care[/color]
I'm just going to assume you don't watch football or don't watch it very much.
Originally Posted by SwanginOn4z

Originally Posted by Ghenges

Count the number of Kobe commercials you see compared to the number of Roetheoeoeslesberger commercials you see on t.v.

There's your answer.

thats a very logical answer sir. and to think, i was gone come in here and say "Its cause he's black".

I'm sorry but I agree. The media was all over the Kobe case. Even when they found out all the info on the girl, they continued to bash Kobe.
Originally Posted by RATxAxTAT

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Ghenges wrote:

Count the number of Kobe commercials you see compared to the number of Roetheoeoeslesberger commercials you see on t.v.

There's your answer.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Kobe is a household name.. Ben Roetheoeoeslesberger? First time I ever
heard of the dude was a few weeks ago, and still didn't even know who he was nor did I really care[/color]
I'm just going to assume you don't watch football or don't watch it very much.

That's the point. Kobe is known by everyone even the people who don't watch basketball. My mom knows who Kobe is and she is an older white woman whodoesn't watch basketball but she does watch football and still doesn't know who Ben is.
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by Ghenges

Count the number of Kobe commercials you see compared to the number of Roetheoeoeslesberger commercials you see on t.v.

There's your answer.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Kobe is a household name.. Ben Roetheoeoeslesberger? First time I ever heard of the dude was a few weeks ago, and still didn't even know who he was nor did I really care[/color]
You don't watch sports huh?
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Mainly Basketball, but occasionally I'll watch Football and Tennis([/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)])[/color]

That's the point. Kobe is known by everyone even the people who don't watch basketball. My mom knows who Kobe is and she is an older white woman who doesn't watch basketball but she does watch football and still doesn't know who Ben is.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]THIS.[/color]
you make a good point op. But like some of the others have said, Kobe was is a household name. Is that and excuse for ben? no. but many people dont even knowwho Ben is. when the Steelers won their first championship I can guarantee that a large amount of people didn't even know who he was. Now could you say thesame thing about Kobe?
ProduccionFrescos wrote:

That's the point. Kobe is known by everyone even the people who don't watch basketball. My mom knows who Kobe is and she is an older white woman who doesn't watch basketball but she does watch football and still doesn't know who Ben is.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]THIS.[/color]

O Ok so Mike Vick was a house hold name? Plaxico? Pac man? Because they are now. Or is being accused of rape < than killing animals, shootingyourself or being an idiot? Ya dig what Im saying?
Originally Posted by cartune

You telling me a 2 time Super Bowl star Qb on one of the more famous teams in the most popular sports league in America is unknown?

When he survived that motorcycle crash he had more publicity.
Shut That Up!!!!
exactly, there is clearly a double standard here
kobe/pacman/vick got way more %%%+ for their actions than roethlisberger did

this really pisses me off.
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by Ghenges

Count the number of Kobe commercials you see compared to the number of Roetheoeoeslesberger commercials you see on t.v.

There's your answer.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Kobe is a household name.. Ben Roetheoeoeslesberger? First time I ever heard of the dude was a few weeks ago, and still didn't even know who he was nor did I really care[/color]
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by Ghenges

Count the number of Kobe commercials you see compared to the number of Roetheoeoeslesberger commercials you see on t.v.

There's your answer.
Bingo.. Hell, Kobe is a household name.. Ben Roetheoeoeslesberger? First time I ever heard of the dude was a few weeks ago, and still didn't even know who he was nor did I really care

on point...kobe is a top 2 player in NBA...big ben is prob top 10 if anything...theres a big difference
Kobe is more popular in America/World...Any basketball superstar is more popular than any Football player, i dont care that Football is more popular thanbasketball..
kobe is black, ben is white
sports media has been biased for a long time, this doesn't surprise me at all
Originally Posted by cartune

You telling me a 2 time Super Bowl star Qb on one of the more famous teams in the most popular sports league in America is unknown?

When he survived that motorcycle crash he had more publicity.


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