Ben & Kobe Same Accusation Media Double Standard?

Originally Posted by cartune

ProduccionFrescos wrote:

That's the point. Kobe is known by everyone even the people who don't watch basketball. My mom knows who Kobe is and she is an older white woman who
doesn't watch basketball but she does watch football and still doesn't know who Ben is.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]THIS.[/color]

O Ok so Mike Vick was a house hold name? Plaxico? Pac man? Because they are now. Or is being accused of rape < than killing animals, shooting yourself or being an idiot? Ya dig what Im saying?

Bad example i'm from the 757 so Vick and Plaxico are household names.
Wow at the lack of reading comprehension on this board. While people are still harping who's more popular, the whole, actual criminal charges filed againstKobe flew by everybody's heads.

Big difference from just a civil suit brought on you like how it was to Ben as opposed to criminal charges, ie, actually getting locked up, for Kobe.
Originally Posted by franchise3

Wow at the lack of reading comprehension on this board. While people are still harping who's more popular, the whole, actual criminal charges filed against Kobe flew by everybody's heads.

Big difference from just a civil suit brought on you like how it was to Ben as opposed to criminal charges, ie, actually getting locked up, for Kobe.

You got that part right. Because nobody is talking about charges. Thats a different story. Both were accused of rape.Even after Kobe was found not guilty and went to civil court he still suffered.
Kinda true but at the same time its kobe bryant we talkin bout He was going to get more heat for it cuz he was the face of the nba As well as on of the biggestsports icons alive
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by franchise3

Wow at the lack of reading comprehension on this board. While people are still harping who's more popular, the whole, actual criminal charges filed against Kobe flew by everybody's heads.

Big difference from just a civil suit brought on you like how it was to Ben as opposed to criminal charges, ie, actually getting locked up, for Kobe.

You got that part right. Because nobody is talking about charges. Thats a different story. Both were accused of rape. Even after Kobe was found not guilty and went to civil court he still suffered.
Ben was NOT accused of rape... He was accused of sexual assault which could simply mean he brushed up against shorties tatas toohard... Not to mention the chick came forward like 2 years after the incident & filed a civil case (which usuallyends in some sort of monetary settlement read: GOLDDIGGER)...

Kobe was involved in a CRIMINAL CASE... he was accused of rape within a 48 hr period i believe... & when the details emerged it was a pretty violetencounter, true or not...

These situations are really nothin alike & for once this has nothin to do with race...
Originally Posted by RedMan

Originally Posted by cartune

ProduccionFrescos wrote:

That's the point. Kobe is known by everyone even the people who don't watch basketball. My mom knows who Kobe is and she is an older white woman who
doesn't watch basketball but she does watch football and still doesn't know who Ben is.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]THIS.[/color]
O Ok so Mike Vick was a house hold name? Plaxico? Pac man? Because they are now. Or is being accused of rape < than killing animals, shooting yourself or being an idiot? Ya dig what Im saying?

Bad example i'm from the 757 so Vick and Plaxico are household names.

Bruh Im replying to dude who said Ben isnt a household name. Ben is a household name in Pitt. Just like Vick and Plaxico are household names in VA. Hes tryingto make the argument that Ben is not known across America I guess. Well Plaxico for sure wasnt a household name but now everybody knows him because the mediablw him up for shooting himself.

The same could be said for Vick but I cant remember how popular he was when he was on top. But I know he wasnt Kobe popular as you all are saying. But themedia blew it up because he was a "NFL STAR QUATERBACK"
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by RedMan

Originally Posted by cartune

ProduccionFrescos wrote:

That's the point. Kobe is known by everyone even the people who don't watch basketball. My mom knows who Kobe is and she is an older white woman who
doesn't watch basketball but she does watch football and still doesn't know who Ben is.
O Ok so Mike Vick was a house hold name? Plaxico? Pac man? Because they are now. Or is being accused of rape < than killing animals, shooting yourself or being an idiot? Ya dig what Im saying?

Bad example i'm from the 757 so Vick and Plaxico are household names.

Bruh Im replying to dude who said Ben isnt a household name. Ben is a household name in Pitt. Just like Vick and Plaxico are household names in VA. Hes trying to make the argument that Ben is not known across America I guess. Well Plaxico for sure wasnt a household name but now everybody knows him because the media blw him up for shooting himself.

The same could be said for Vick but I cant remember how popular he was when he was on top. But I know he wasnt Kobe popular as you all are saying. But the media blew it up because he was a "NFL STAR QUATERBACK"

its just as simple as black and white
sad to say it... but Ben did his press conference and i didnt even see it.... i had to go on youtube to watch it.
anything to do with Kobe, Pacman, Vick, Plax.... ESPN %@%$%'d it out....

Kobe's case shouldnt have been taken to criminal charges based ont he evidence, but because he was in Eagle CO... i think they have a stricter rule forrape cases, so that was kinda his unlucky hand....
Originally Posted by Mister Negative

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by franchise3

Wow at the lack of reading comprehension on this board. While people are still harping who's more popular, the whole, actual criminal charges filed against Kobe flew by everybody's heads.

Big difference from just a civil suit brought on you like how it was to Ben as opposed to criminal charges, ie, actually getting locked up, for Kobe.

You got that part right. Because nobody is talking about charges. Thats a different story. Both were accused of rape. Even after Kobe was found not guilty and went to civil court he still suffered.
Ben was NOT accused of rape... He was accused of sexual assault which could simply mean he brushed up against shorties tatas too hard... Not to mention the chick came forward like 2 years after the incident & filed a civil case (which usually ends in some sort of monetary settlement read: GOLDDIGGER)...

Kobe was involved in a CRIMINAL CASE... he was accused of rape within a 48 hr period i believe... & when the details emerged it was a pretty violet encounter, true or not...

"When Kobe Bryant was accused of sexual assault almost five years ago, the pitchmanin Bryant fell off the face of the earth. " "Nike, which had just signed him to a five-year, $45 million deal didn't use him until hiscivil case was settled and criminal charges were dropped."

Casino employee accuses Ben Roethlisberger of rape'
"Roethlisberger, a two-time Super Bowl winner, called her to his room to fix his television. Once there,he forced her on his bed and raped her, the suit contends."

Both of those broads are probably liars looking for money but the media treated them differently.
Yo I'm from Denver and that skallywop is from our hood and she for SURE was raped by Kobe she let him smash but he went all in on her other place to put itwhen she didn't want him to she had surgery an ere thang he gave her millions........
its foul forreal. and whoever brought up commercials, yea I see kobe for Nike but I also see Ben for that !%%%'s store throwin passes. Didnt see any ofthat when Kobe was accused. Whatever tho. U know what this is really about. ESPN even vowed not to mention it, theres an in house memo on the web about that. Iknow what its really about. The same way if Peyton was fightin dogs it wouldnt be a problem. Yea I said it...
Originally Posted by andybricks

Yo I'm from Denver and that skallywop is from our hood and she for SURE was raped by Kobe she let him smash but he went all in on her other place to put it when she didn't want him to she had surgery an ere thang he gave her millions........
Originally Posted by andybricks

Yo I'm from Denver and that skallywop is from our hood and she for SURE was raped by Kobe she let him smash but he went all in on her other place to put it when she didn't want him to she had surgery an ere thang he gave her millions........

wait..... what?

so she willingly gave him V, but told him no to buttsecks, is what ur saying?
never saw that in ANY of the info from the trial..... but whatever

Kobe "Thats just my thing"
If this story was about D. McNabb it would be huge.

Its a bias and all of you know it.

@ dude not knowing who ben is. You aint a man if you dont know who thesuperbowl winning QB is
Originally Posted by badboyf0life420

Kobe is more popular in America/World...Any basketball superstar is more popular than any Football player, i dont care that Football is more popular than basketball..
Kobe is obviously more popular basketball is played around the world and as for Ben its called american football for a reason its only played inNorth America and a couple other countries
As is often times the case with any thing happening in society, there are numerous causes. Part of the difference in treatment is probably because Kobe is backand in a majority white society, black men can seem like more hostile and more menacing compared to a white man with the same stature, demeanor and criminalrecord. Another factor is that Kobe had many more endorsement deals to lose, he is a global icon and advertisers are always quick to pull ads when there iscontroversy, the concept of "guilty until proven innocent" only applies to courts of law and even then the standard of "beyond a reasonabledoubt" only applies in criminal cases. Finally, there is also the fact that Kobe fans and Kobe detractors are very strident in expressing there feelingsand many people making all of those PS's of Kobe in prison garb, were black themselves. Rothlisberger is not nearly such a polarizing figure.
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