Best Checking Account?

Originally Posted by southzeztpdot

Originally Posted by johngotty

Can anyone explain what's so beneficial about Wamu or is it an internet thing?
Its simple and free. You haven't notice alot of WAMUs around your area?

There are no Wamus near me or none that I've ever noticed.
How "hard" is it to keep a checking account
? Not toknock, just curious what the allure was w/Wamu.

US Bank works just fine for me and as far as I can remember, they haven't charged me anything so I guess it's "free" checking.
I guess I'm the only one with Wachovia. Its ok, but I dont like the way they handle holds on your account. I really only have them because its the only"big" bank in the town my school is at. The rest of the banks are small community banks
BOA at least i like it. i have the student one which is free and they have the keep the change program where they round up on purchases and deposit theremaining change into your savings account.
what is wamu?
only hear about it online.

BOA for me, besides overdraft fees, there pretty good.
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