Best Era Of Music???

Jul 11, 2007
Simple Question...What is the best era of music to you?? Classical Era? 50s Bebop Jazz? Late 50s Modal Jazz? 60s Brit Pop? 60s Soul? 70s Soul? Pyschedelic Rockof the 70s? Funk & Disco Era? 80s Pop? 80s Heavy Metal? New Jack Swing? Golden Age Hip Hop? Mid 90s Hip Hop? Neo Soul? Late 90s Alternative Rap? Thecurrent new wave electro music? I know I'm missing some...but what do ya'll think????? Me personally, I think 70s soul is timeless and producedridiculous amounts of great music.
For me it's either late 60's/early 70's Psychadelic Rock or 90's Grunge/Hard Rock.

- Tical.
Originally Posted by RetroXIII

late 60's - 70's funk & soul.

I agree
all jokes aside though 90s had it on lock....from the New jack swing to gangsta rap...artists just had the passion for music nowadays dudes just trynareceive a check
i like late 70s to early 80s

but of an era where i was living my favorite is probably the rocafella from the blueprint up until purple haze
gotta agree with you guys on that 60-70's funk and soul. Even motown was legit. Straight feel-good music. That was "GOOD MUSIC" before kanye tooka stab at it.
90's. It had everything the Golden era of hip-hop, gangsta rap, grunge, alternative music, new jack swing, and neo-soul. During the 90s people took thebest that earlier decades had to offer and improved on it.
Grunge/the rise of the Alternative genre in the 90s changed the face of Rock completely. Thank God for Kurt Cobain and Pearl Jam or we'd still be listeningto music with bad synths and autotune. Oh wait....
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