Best Home Workout Video? Trying out T25

Aug 25, 2012
I just did the first video for T25 and man it was nuts.

Has anyone every completed any of the home workouts like p90x? Did you see good results?

What are some good meals you ate while on the programs?

Here is the T25 infomercial if you aren't familiar with the program.

i started and finished p90x.

Really gave me the discipline to work out every day and the work outs were pretty good.

With that said, if you are trying to lose weight make sure you include the diet with the work out otherwise its almost pointless
Strictly lose fat - Insanity

Lose fat and build a lil muscle also - P90x

Both require a very strict diet for maximum results.

Best of luck op
you should check out the thread in the sports forum. Would answer all your questions and you can see actual nter results. Good Luck.

Yeah been seeing the infomercial for P90x3. The sole focus being it's 30 minutes. Sounds nice considering with the OG P90x a workout could be about 60-75 min and then add the ab ripper right after looking at 75-90min. :x
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you should check out the thread in the sports forum. Would answer all your questions and you can see actual nter results. Good Luck.

Yeah been seeing the infomercial for P90x3. The sole focus being it's 30 minutes. Sounds nice considering with the OG P90x a workout could be about 60-75 min and then add the ab ripper right after looking at 75-90min. :x

True, the length of the p90x workout killed me
you should check out the thread in the sports forum. Would answer all your questions and you can see actual nter results. Good Luck.

Yeah been seeing the infomercial for P90x3. The sole focus being it's 30 minutes. Sounds nice considering with the OG P90x a workout could be about 60-75 min and then add the ab ripper right after looking at 75-90min. :x

True, the length of the p90x workout killed me
my fat *** tried to get gangsta the first time trying to do p90x ... went all out, then the ab ripper came on at the end of the first disc.. didnt want to punk out because the girl in the yellow was cute and doing it.... then i puked..
What's the best workout plan for bulking up? 
You literally have no idea how many times I've told people this. They just don't listen.
Calories in vs calories out

lol I was banned from the Fitness thread because dudes didn't agree, I really don't care about anyone else's fitness goals anymore.
I do a variety of the "at home" stuff.

Being I was mainly trying to lose fat I don't do any lifting at all. Just body weight exercise.

I normally do combinations of P90 Cardio X, P90 plyometrics, P90 Kenpo X, DDP yoga energy and DDP yoga fat burner. I also run sometimes to kick everything off.

I started just by walking daily last Feb. Then running then incorporating all the other stuff.

Since last Feb I've probably lost about 50 pounds and gained another 10-15 in muscle.

Diet is DEF key though. I really wanted to get to a point where I didn't mind working out anymore which I'm at so now I'm really focusing on my diet. I'm TRYING to stay under 1500 cal a day during the week and working out every night.

Drinking is killing me though. If I took off a month of drinking I know i'd see even more drastic results. I only drink about 1-2x a week but I have a high tolerance so I drink heavily.
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Have you actually tried it?

I have.

It's really fun and stuff. Gottta have a die along with it, though. On a fruit and green heavy diet x DDP Yoga, I lost about 35 lbs and was down to about 302. Then I stopped and gained 25 of those lbs back :x
i started and finished p90x.

Really gave me the discipline to work out every day and the work outs were pretty good.

With that said, if you are trying to lose weight make sure you include the diet with the work out otherwise its almost pointless

THIS. If you work out and are still eating the same junk, you're defeating the purpose. Good luck to you.

you should check out the thread in the sports forum. Would answer all your questions and you can see actual nter results. Good Luck.

Yeah been seeing the infomercial for P90x3. The sole focus being it's 30 minutes. Sounds nice considering with the OG P90x a workout could be about 60-75 min and then add the ab ripper right after looking at 75-90min. :x

Don't forget Yoga. That exercise is crazy long.

I've been meaning to look into 90x3 myself.
I didn't even know of p90x3 until this thread.

Gonna check it out this weekend. 30 minutes is perfect for me. I'm constantly busy so doing an hour, hour and half every night is really tough for me to do, but I've been doing it. Having a MAX out 30 min session is awesome. I can always incorporate a DDP yoga tape afterwards if I feel up to it.

I'm not a gym person AT ALL. I get too distracted way too easily so all this home stuff is necessary for me.

Also I love to :smokin and then do yoga. Its so relaxing and I totally figure out whatever is bother me.
my favorite days are saturday morning workouts when I have no where to be. I stay down there sometimes 2, 2 1/2 hours just doing all kinds of cardio/yoga. I wish I could win some cash so I can work out like that all the time hahaha.
T25 is that deal... Also i'm mad Shaun T is gay
I didn't even know. In the commercial he stayed grabbing up the females I thought he was the man. 

His bf is one of the dudes on the tape apparently.  
Will check out that new p90x. 30 min sounds great the og was way too long.

Shaun T was always suspect. He is a dance choreographer after all.
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