Best Online RPG- Lost Power City vol. 6

i'll get the chainsaw for you

its a gift from me to you, you dont have to pay.
T E A M N E W Y O R K K N I C K S​
Bwood i saw, its all cool :smile:
So i did it for the money? I had many many trillions, not a financial care in the world ... but for some reason i choose to do my one and only scam at that time, for financial gain?

when i said that i was refering to the money you gave us for the war, not about the 30 billion.

You didnt stand a chance, so rsarno should help right?

I guess you have a point here, but whos ideal was it to have a war? im pretty sure it wasnt an nter. how is staying in the hospital for a whole day more fun for us?

And to see my name being thrown around like its the worst thing possible to be in my gang, or have any association with me, even as a joke ... is insulting.
TEAM [Scrubs]
Or your sore about wthalo? My actions as a whole should far outweigh my actions in a single transaction. I did what i did to help the game, no other reason. If he wasnt being a greedy b**ch and bidding people up to nearly double the going rate .. everything would have been fine

Wthalo may have wanted the game's material wealth, but you seem to have an extreme, excessive desire for fame and notoriety within the game. Or maybe even a desire for a "position" within the game. It's not up to you to determine cost of items in the game. That's DEf's job.

And go ahaid and say how there was nothing wrong with that, and then say how it wouldnt have effected anything ... and when your done running your mouth go look at your bank acct and see the cash was reset because of all the stupid prices people were buying/selling for.
TEAM corNhuskers​
because i kind of started all of this talk. i just like people to talk to me directly.

i aint mean to shut down your convo. my bad
T E A M N E W Y O R K K N I C K S​
its cool, now that this is all over i guess its safe to tell you that you need to get moving, broke phi broke is coming after you in respect points. :lol:
TEAM [Scrubs]
i dont think any of this would have happened if wally was here, its all his fault.
T E A M N E W Y O R K K N I C K S​
So to get away from this drama. How much yall worth now?

Im at ~500mil. Apparently most of my friends are doing it big with 1bil and more supplies then me. Then again Ive been so unlucky on my street searches for the past week so somethings gotta give.

I think the first person who reaches enough money to buy a property will be at a huge advantage because there will still be a huge influx of training supplies on the cheap with them being the only person in demand for it.
im only worth about 13 mill

its like a lost my passion for making money



dude emailed me this earlier. must have skipped over it while reading other mail.

November 3, 2007, 8:48:10 am xxxx wrote: I was wondering if you and your guys would like to join our gang?

what do you guys think? This guy is a high lvl dude, but lets just say his stats aint the way they should be. :lol:
T E A M N E W Y O R K K N I C K S​
Total Worth: $17,749,992
After getting 1000 respect in the past few days, we just want to disarm, throw back a couple mexicodones, and have conversations with IMADINOSAUR in broken English.​
Total Worth: $54,388,131
Team Lost Power City ruined my life​
EzCode Parsing Error: co​
Total Worth: $4,388,131

November 3 2007, 9:43:40 am OLNL23_NT hacked your Lost Bank account and stole $109,879! Delete
November 3 2007, 10:37:48 am OLNL23_NT hacked your Lost Bank account and stole $153,167! Delete
November 3 2007, 1:27:44 pm OLNL23_NT attempted to hack your Lost Bank account, but they caught him. Delete
November 3 2007, 3:13:15 pm OLNL23_NT attempted to hack your Lost Bank account, but they caught him. Delete
November 3 2007, 4:16:13 pm OLNL23_NT attempted to hack your Lost Bank account, but they caught him. Delete
November 3 2007, 6:05:52 pm OLNL23_NT hacked your Lost Bank account and stole $186,572! Delete
November 3 2007, 6:54:43 pm OLNL23_NT attempted to hack your Lost Bank account, but they caught him. Delete
November 3 2007, 9:16:36 pm OLNL23_NT attempted to hack your Lost Bank account, but they caught him. Delete
November 2 2007, 11:40:59 pm&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp OLNL23_NT hacked your Lost Bank account and stole $192,476!&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Delete
November 2 2007, 10:58:29 pm&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp OLNL23_NT attempted to hack your Lost Bank account, but they caught him.&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Delete
November 2 2007, 6:02:08 pm&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp OLNL23_NT hacked your Lost Bank account and stole $174,636!&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Delete
November 2 2007, 3:57:54 pm&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp OLNL23_NT attempted to hack your Lost Bank account, but they caught him.&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Delete
November 2 2007, 1:42:30 pm&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp OLNL23_NT attempted to hack your Bank One account, but they caught him.&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Delete
November 2 2007, 1:40:29 pm&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp OLNL23_NT hacked your Lost Bank account and stole $164,775!&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Delete
November 2 2007, 11:50:28 am&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp OLNL23_NT attempted to hack your Lost Bank account, but they caught him.&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Delete
Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.​
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