Best place to buy non-slip restaurant shoes?

Sep 20, 2005
Hey #NT I have to work in a restaurant Thursday and Friday and I need to buy some non-slip restaurant shoes. Anyone know the best place to purchase? Not online because they won't get here in time.  Thanks for your help!
Run to your local K-Mart/Wal-Mart/Payless/etc.

They don't have to be the fanciest. Just good enough to get the job done. It's really in your best interest to wear the cheapest shoes possible... especially if you're working in the kitchen.
Shoes for Crews
my dad ordered a pair through their catalogs, they also have an online store

//edit. my bad, didn't read you post through

there are stores that sell equipment and uniforms for restaurants. see if there is one in your area.
Get those skid busters OP 
Thanks guys. Gonna' run to Wal-Mart and Payless tomorrow.I'm hoping I can get a pair for under $30 since I only need them for two days.
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