Best Shooting game EVER...

May 9, 2009

And If you say otherwise you're buggin.

This bad boy started it all.Multiplayer system was WAY before its time.I can't imagine the amount of hours I put in on this game back then

There are few games that friends gathered up around to play...And this was one of em......$20 bets

Alllreadyyy..Goldeneye and The World is Not Enough was tooo

I still play this when me and my boys get together and have nothing to do
Golden Gun FTW
The multiplayer was amazing. The choice of guns and the ability to lean over corners was awesome. Making it mission based was cool. the soundtrack owned.The physics of the game were great for the time (shootin ga grenade at someone's feet to make him fly in the air was so FTW.

While it is a classic, it is not as replayable as other games from the 90's like NBA Jam or Street Fighter II. The control scheme is too awkward andoutdated. The fact that there is not the dual analoug system, a staple for all FPS's today, slows things down and creates that plodding tank like movementcharacteristic of 90's FPS, the same goes for a lack of jumping and sprinting.

Most important, the lack of a special button for melee and grenades makes it hard to play, with those features becoming standard in the last decade. The reasonwhy the orginal Halo was so popular was because is because you did not have to cycle through 20 different weapons to throw a grenade or hit someone who jumpsinto your space. When you have to rotate to use 'nades or melees, both are almost useful because the chance to use them effectively is too fleeting in mostcases.

Nonetheless, I still love Golden Eye 64 and played in all the time in the late 90's. Something that Golden has on new school FPS and video game in generalis that Bond never had to fight swarms of Zombies. There are way too many zombies in today's world of expensive, picturesque but frequently unoriginalgames.
Magnum>Those guns

You could shoot sumbody a couple of feet away from u the impact blows em back 8 feet lol

2 Rocket Launchers
2 Golden Guns
2 Lasers

That game was vicious


The only problem was that it was too ambitious. running a 4 player multiplayer game with 8 bots =
both perfect dark and goldeneye were nice back in the days but they don't come close to the shooters now a days
Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

I remember I use to plant those proximity mines everywhere.

Laser Gun>Golden Gun

Yeah you could spawn kill with those mines. There were only a couple of spots that you could spawn to.
Great game. Used to get tournaments going with my friends......good times.
i havent played it since seven or eight yrs old, yet i vividly remember every single level, game was addicting
hard to call, never went hard in perfect dark like I did 007...both are heavy hitters tho...Rare x Nintendo had the video game world in a lock down back in theday
For me it has to be all Time Crisis games and All house of the dead games. Feel like playing it now.

I used to play licsenced to kill where one hit and you're dead.

Once I killed you once I won the game pretty much because I would spam spawn killing... having dudes tight and not wanting to play the game anymore

I would say I put in more hours into Perfect Dark though.

Complex level I was pretty much untouchable in.

If I ever came in second place it was because I was fooling around and not playing seriously.

Game would be like 50 or 100 and dudes were lucky to get into the 20's or teens... if that, but it was one hit kill so.
Nothing is touching GoldenEye, not even the shooters that are out today. If I was down at school with the Nintendo 64 I would be playing this right now.
Originally Posted by Aljayz863

For me it has to be all Time Crisis games and All house of the dead games. Feel like playing it now.

I used to play GoldenEye and Time Crisis daily.
Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

I remember I use to plant those proximity mines everywhere.

Laser Gun>Golden Gun


hated kids like you.

"facility with proximity mines!!!"
license to kill/health -10
no crosshair/no auto aim
no baron.

the only way to play.

and even though we all did it, youre a @*$$$ for screen watching
This is really considered the greatets shooter of all time.


NT is the only place where i've seen GoldenEye get so much love.
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