Best Website To Book A Flight?

Just copped two tickets from Kansas City to Baltimore for $141 each way. I searched on all those sites posted above, round trip/ 2 one way and all the prices were $350+. I started going site by site and Delta had the best deal for the flight.
How long in advance?
Rarely have I found flights cheaper than SouthWest. Even if you do, after baggage fees, it usually evens out. IMO, it's the best airline I've flown if you don't need any frills. The flights are usually one time, the seating is first check-in, first on the plane, and the flight attendants are usually pretty friendly and sometimes the PA announcer even throws in some jokes while you're getting settled in.

So I'm looking to go to NYC from SFO this weekend (last minute trip) but didn't want to shell out $717. How do I get a "last minute deal" or would I just have to search the usual sites?
I flew Spirit and honestly have no complaints. But again, for $250 round trip, you get what you paid for. Hopped on the plane straight from the club on my return flight so I don't even remember it lol.

That flight attendant in that video is HILARIOUS tho, if she ever gets bored she can do stand up lol.
So I'm looking to go to NYC from SFO this weekend (last minute trip) but didn't want to shell out $717. How do I get a "last minute deal" or would I just have to search the usual sites?

That came out to over 1k round trip. Found a few for $500 might just book it. Checked out spirit and it came out to 496 but I might just fly American.

What's the deal with last minute deals though? Is there a specific place to look for them or just look on the sites and get lucky?
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