Crazy how the show was much more on the comedic side, but is gradually startin to go all the way dark in tone.
I'm always the first to complain that I have to wait 12 months sometimes more for this show to come back, but seeing a trailer and being reminded how meticulous Vince is with the story beats, has me hyped
Like BB, this show is a rarity where its worth the wait because great work is being done.
-Glad I got confirmation Chuck dead, I mean I know he died, but man I hated that character with a passion, I needed to see a scene from the funeral
-What is Saul gonna get kim into?
-Gus talking
Dude knows how deliver lines in the most menacing way
-Man, I wonder if we'll get a box cutter type scene from Gus in this show
-Mike recruiting Saul