Better Call Saul Season Thread - Season Six - April 18th

Dope. Hank with a bottle, the pink teddy bear. Great reunion pic. :pimp:

that pic is great, love how Jesse is sitting on the barrel, pizza on Rv roof, Jesse's old license plate in the window.

Might have to do a rewatch after my BCS one, and somehow before the new BCS season
Between NBA free agency and then fantasy football, BCS and Ozark Season Two all coming at the beginning of August I don't know how I'm gonna get **** accomplished over the next month.
Crazy how the show was much more on the comedic side, but is gradually startin to go all the way dark in tone.
I'm always the first to complain that I have to wait 12 months sometimes more for this show to come back, but seeing a trailer and being reminded how meticulous Vince is with the story beats, has me hyped
Like BB, this show is a rarity where its worth the wait because great work is being done.

-Glad I got confirmation Chuck dead, I mean I know he died, but man I hated that character with a passion, I needed to see a scene from the funeral:lol::lol:
-What is Saul gonna get kim into?:nerd:
-Gus talking:pimp: Dude knows how deliver lines in the most menacing way
-Man, I wonder if we'll get a box cutter type scene from Gus in this show
-Mike recruiting Saul:pimp:
I can’t ******* wait for this ****.

When I first heard of Gilligan and Co. making a prequel around Saul I was skeptical. But I think it’s up there with BB for me. Probably will surpass it this season
This show is all about the cartel and Mike. Jimmy/Kim/Chuck run around in circles with their nonsense. Please let Chuck be burnt to a crisp on the premiere so we can move on to a new storyline.
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