Better Call Saul Season Thread - Season Six - April 18th

Amazing.  Mike has some serious trust in this girl to tell her the full story. I'd be worried she'd spill the beans considering she called Philly PD all the way to Albuquerque.
Finally watched.

Amazing episode.
Mike: You let some things slide and you look the other way. You bust a drug dealerthat has more cash than you'll ever earn in a lifetime. Some of it doesn't make it back into evidence, so what? You took a taste. So did everyone else. That's how you knew you were safe. It's like killing Caesar - everyone's guilty. Matt wasn't dirty. I was. Everyone was in that precinct. That's how it worked. You turn in your buddy, you're screwing yourself. You go along to get along.
Stacey: And you went along.
Mike: I did. Yeah. I did.
Stacey: Okay. But you said Matt didn't.
Mike: No. Not Matt. Fensky got to Hoffman early - kickbacks from some gang or another - protection, basically. And Hoffman went to Matty and offered to cut him in. Only fair, right? They were partners. And Matt did what you would think - He agonized. And then he came to me, wanted to go to the I.A., do the right thing, shut 'em down.
Stacey: Oh, my God. And you let him? That's why he got killed... 'Cause he was gonna turn on those guys?
Mike: No. No. I told him... You know what a cop fears most? More than getting shot, more than anything? Prison - Getting locked up with everybody you put away. You threaten a cop with that, you make him dangerous, and that's what I told him. I talked sense. No one was getting hurt. But if you go to the I.A., if you even look like you're going... He had a wife, a kid, responsibilities. Take the money. Do something good with it. Well... I tried. I tried. But he wouldn't listen. My boy was stubborn. My boy was strong. And he was gonna get himself killed. So I told him... I told him I did it, too, That I was like Hoffman, getting by, and that's what you heard that night - me talking him down, him kicking and screaming until the fight went out of him. He put me up on a pedestal... And I had to show him that I was down in the gutter with the rest of them. Broke my boy. I broke my boy. He went to Hoffman, he took the money, but he hesitated. Even looking like you're doing the right thing to those two meant that he wasn't solid, that he couldn't be trusted. I got Matty to take the money. And they killed him two days later. He was the strongest person that I ever knew. He'd have never done it, not even to save himself. I was the only one - I was the only one that could get him to debase himself like that. And it was for nothing. I made him lesser. I made him like me. And the bastards killed him anyway.
Stacey: Hoffman and Fensky... If they killed Matty... Who killed them? Pop... What happened?
Mike: You know what happened. The question is... can you live with it?

That gif size (in spoiler) is a bit too big. I edited and removed the gif but since it was quoted on this page, now it's this page that's lagging. :\
Caught the most recent episode the other day. Never seen so much emotion from Mike before, its great that they dedicated an episode explaining his past. 
just caught the episode on demand. ******* amazing!!! :hat

felt like a god damn movie
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The Lady's banking in the money and is such a witch.. She's been interviewed before. Pretty entitled lady and not even the original owner of the home.. She hit the lotto essentially and can't live with the fame.

Lady stays at home, counts cars, has put up surveillance camera signs, no trepassing signs, and much more. A bit of a nut imho
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I think I'd enjoy a series on Mike... I mean if Saul is this good, imagine if we get more back story on Mike?
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