Better Call Saul Season Thread - Season Six - April 18th

BCS definitely gave Mike more depth, especially the episodes referencing his son. But BB Mike was legendary too. Plus Mike is one of the smartest and most pragmatic characters and he's loyal. He busted his *** to keep people paid in prison not just to save his *** but because it was what they were owed. Walt said **** All That and hired some nazi's to put in work. Mike warned Jesse about Walt, warned Walt and Jesse about Lydia, was Gus' top adviser. Gets shot by Walt and his dying words aren't "Help me Jesus!", he doesn't cry. His dying words are "Shut The **** Up" to Walt.

And lettuce never forget

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Can someone help me. Im not sure why Mike raced to Sauls house and had the sights on Lalo and didnt pull the trigger. and then again had the sights on him in the parking lot and again...didnt pull. What am I missing?
Can someone help me. Im not sure why Mike raced to Sauls house and had the sights on Lalo and didnt pull the trigger. and then again had the sights on him in the parking lot and again...didnt pull. What am I missing?

They(Gus, Mike) don’t want Lalo dead but if he was gone off Saul then Mike probably felt like he had no choice. They just wanted him to go back to Mexico.
Isn’t there a saying that if there are oranges on screen (for bb), then someone will probably die? Kim made the orange juice, and when I saw lalo enter I was thinking that’s the end of Kim
Worn by: Hank Schrader, Badger, Saul Goodman
Symbolism: Humor, action, fire, violence
Secondary color: Formed by red + yellow

- Hank Schrader wears an orange shirt when he visits Skyler to ask her to return Marie's phone calls. ("Seven Thirty-Seven")
- Hank wears an orange shirt when he rallies his staff at the DEA to help find Tuco Salamanca and later when he kills Tuco in the desert. ("Grilled")
- Walter White doesn't like orange juice. ("Grilled")
- Gustavo Fring puts on an orange jacket and pants in order to protect his clothes when he kills Victor with a box cutter. ("Box Cutter")
- Walter Jr. is wearing an orange jacket when he arrives at Walter's apartment and discovers that his father was beaten up in a fight. ("Salud")
- Oranges are spilled onto the floor (a visual homage to a scene in "The Godfather") when Ted Beneke trips on his rug and is knocked unconscious as he attempts to flee Huell and Kuby. ("Crawl Space")
- When Walter greets his next door neighbor Carol she drops a bag of groceries and spills oranges, shocked at seeing him reappear at his abandoned and vandalized home. ("Blood Money")
- Badger is wearing a large orange hoodie while explaining a made-up Star Trek episode about beaming Chekov's guts into space. ("Blood Money")
- Hank wears an orange shirt to the Indian reservation in To'hajiilee. ("To'hajiilee")

I know a lot of people gave this show flack for starting off slow but I’m so glad they did it that way. It painted so much more color into each character and really made us more heavily invested.

and now seems like it’s over so fast. 6th and final season next year. I’m really going to miss this show.
I hate to say it but Jonathan Banks is 73 and Mark Margolis is 80 years old and already had health issues that were a main reason this season was delayed. Hopefully they already started filming for the final season or plan on doing so as soon as the country opens back up again for them to do so. Back in January Gilligan had already said the final season was gonna be 13 I do wonder with it being so specific if they already started filming for it.
So watching episode 9 on DirecTV and the playback cuts of right as Lalo sits down and you see that thang! :frown:

And it's making me start it over from the beginning!

Ima let it play, flip the input over and start Bosch for about 45 mins.
1 Cup Charisma
1 Cup Menice
Simmer 15 mins until psycho comes to a boil
Garnish with SpiderMan

Lalo might be my favorite character this season.

He absolutely steals every scene.
The oranges thing started with The Godfather Trilogy, whenever something bad was going to happen they'd show oranges. A bunch of movies have copied or paid homage to that.

in the beginning of Old School before Luke Wilson gets dumped they show oranges
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