Beyonce - Diva (Produced by Bangladesh)

dude needs to switch up his style or somethin because this sounds alot like bossy and a milli. but in any event its an ok song tho
same exact drums dude used on "A Mili"
It also could be that Beyonce requested a track like "A Milli" you hear it all the time from Producers, once they become famous one year for doingthat ONE major track all the big name artists come running to them 99% of the time asking for a carbon copy of that hit which gave them notice.

The one posted is dead.


So far, it is very 'A Millie'#*@

And yeah, chicks are gonna eat this #@%@ up
the 1st time..its cool...but after..its jus annoyin..but def find myself singin it...guess its catchy...but its defly NOT timeless like she claimed this albumwas supposed 2 b...w/e
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