Big Pun's Wife and Children Living in Homeless Shelter

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Dec 10, 2001
[h1]Big Pun's Wife and Children Living in Homeless Shelter[/h1]
Posted Aug 5th 2009 7:00PM by Latifah Muhammad
Filed under: Hip-Hop, Say What!

Deceased rapper Big Pun's widow and three children are living in a New York homeless shelter. Liza Rios and her children have been forced to relocate to the shelter after losing their home to foreclosure.

"We're in a city shelter," Rios said in an interview. "It's been very hard for them [the children] to transition. After Pun passed I didn't receive a lot of money. I received $160,000 from publishing. The house I was paying mortgage [on] was my husband's. He bought the house and it wasn't paid out. The five years I was living there I spent over $120,000 just on mortgage [payments]. Then you [have] the kids, and the food, and the clothes and legal fees...when there's no money coming in, there's just money [going] out."

Rios also talked about her physically and emotionally abusive relationship with her late husband. "It's through the grace of God that I've survived," she said. "I never knew what domestic violence was until I was in it and even when I was in it I still didn't know what was going on. I thought it was just me I didn't know that it was happening with so many women."

As a member of the Terror Squad rap group Pun was responsible for introducing rapper Fat Joe to the public. According to Rios, she and Joe are not on good terms and have no plans to reconcile. "We haven't been on the best of terms in a while. I'm asking to see proof of royalties and so forth. I have not yet seen anything. Pun has made a lot of money for people and continues to make money for them. Pun doesn't get paid when you hear songs on iTunes [or] ringtones. If Pun's not getting a check, his kids are not getting a check."

Pun, born Christopher Rios, died in 2000 from a fatal heart attach. Most famous for his single 'I'm Not A Player,' the rapper weighed almost 700 lbs at the time of his death.
That's f-up! Sorry for my french. Fat Joe should help out Pun's wife and kids.
I hate to hear of the trouble. Its amazing how many people were crying about him but won't even look to help his family. A modest home and her workingwould be enough to stop this from happening. There has to be more to this story than her and Joe beefing.
why didn't she just go back to a APT renting and start to WORK?

mis-managing money FTL
Originally Posted by Baalnood

That's f-up! Sorry for my french. Fat Joe should help out Pun's wife and kids.

^ thats what i'm saying .... he should looked out ...
should have had a job. you expect to live the rest of your life off 160k? i feel no sympathy for her cause all she want to do is sit her fat *** up and hopepeople feel sorry for her. i hate lazy braudz who expect for people to take care of them. has she even had a job since he died?
As a member of the Terror Squad rap group Pun was responsible for introducing rapper Fat Joe to the public.


fat joe's first album dropped in 93 and he was da one that put on pun on.
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

I hate to hear of the trouble. Its amazing how many people were crying about him but won't even look to help his family. A modest home and her working would be enough to stop this from happening. There has to be more to this story than her and Joe beefing.

Exactly... but on some for real for real why in the hell would you stay in that type of house knowing damn well you didn't have the means to sustain/pay itoff. You were expecting hand outs for the rest of your life basically. I'm not saying that Joe isn't supposed to look out for Pun's family but atthe same time what are you bringing to the table? What are you doing to provide for your kids?

Everytime I hear about her I hear the same thing: "Joe's not doing this"... "Pun should received this" ... "We aren't beinglooked after"... "I'm struggling to do for my kids because they aren't helping"... etc...

Bottomline is Pun isn't here anymore and as a mother you're responsible for these kids, not Joe, not T.S... YOU. She should've put that house upon the market right after he passed and whatever she got from it coupled with that 160 she could've gotten them a nice little crib and moved on with theirlife from there.
Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

Who cares?

^^ we don't care if you don't care

but on topic, I heard that pun's wife was spending the money poorly (instead of using it for her kids, which is why Fat Joe cut her off)
a shame dude didn't have life insurance
and she should get a job

sounds like a combo of shady dealings and a bunch of mismanaging money
ninjahood wrote:

As a member of the Terror Squad rap group Pun was responsible for introducing rapper Fat Joe to the public.


fat joe's first album dropped in 93 and he was da one that put on pun on.

Another FJ cred thread?

But nah, Joe did put on Pun, but Joe didn't become a "star" until after Pun's passing. And even though Pun was/is my favorite rapper of alltime, after watching those documenteries of him beatin' up his wife,
Get rid of the house... Get a job... And then get more money by doing a tell all book about how pun was a bastard and abused you.
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