Bike Riding reemerging trend?

Damn mad feelings getting caught in here. We talkin bout bikes. Not a car, not a motorized cycling vehicle, we talkin bout BIKES.
Originally Posted by CoolGrayMemo

It's always been a trend in Davis, Ca.

This. I live in Vacaville just down hwy 80 and I swear every time I go there to shop or even to hoop there are like bike parking lots. Crazy, but Davis is set up in a way where it makes it practical at least.
Plus I need to get a bike there are too many trails around here to not have one. Plus I can bike to work so I need one for sure...
Seems like it's more accepted for younger people to ride bikes now. When I was in high school, NOBODY rode a bike. There wasn't even a bike rack to my knowledge.
Originally Posted by Keif Sweat

Damn mad feelings getting caught in here. We talkin bout bikes. Not a car, not a motorized cycling vehicle, we talkin bout BIKES.
It never went anywhere.

I ride my bike so school everyday, saves me a lot of money
Cities designed for bike transport >>>> 
Only poor people and hipsters ride bikes.
Then you got the same type of people complaining about traffic, bad air quality and slow metabolism. 
I aint gonna lie. The hipsters here in Brooklyn are ruining the rides for everyone else. Best believe when I start my weekend gig in 2 weeks i'm riding out there all the time. I hate taking the bus on weekends.
Originally Posted by K Town Trash

its the damn fixie riders...

I found out the hard way. I built a fixie and love it but I should have listened to my buddy and gotten a simple road bike instead. Gears are the way to go and just makes life that much easier to ride around. Granted I live in SF and my legs aren't really trained for biking yet but I got way more tired then I should have after only a 10 mile ride around the city.

But the fixie thing has mellowed down a lot in San Francisco. At its peak, you would see tons of people in packs but now it's gotten back to regular bike commuters. San Jose is another story altogether though. It's like a total lifestyle down there.

From the weekend:

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