Biker Mice from Mars Vs Swat Katz Vs Street Sharks. Who Takes the CAKE for Your Childhood Memories?

Dang I remember that Dino Riders picture somewhere but I never saw the show. I think my cousin had a toy or something, that picture brings back memories. And Ithink I enjoyed watching street sharks more can't really remember too much about biker mice from mars but I was amped about Swat Katz when it came out withPower Rangers.
swat kats by far, made more sense to me, and they had the ill weapons.
i see someone brought up the centurions
. jake rockwell was that dude, had the ill motorcycle, SMH at max ray, likeaquaman, totally useless.
omg@ dino riders

what was the motive with that cartoon?

ride dangerous dinosaurs and hope they don't come out of place? LOL
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