Bioshock 2... Anyone get it?

Mar 29, 2009
Pretty funny that I'm considering buying this game than getting another Live subscription, but all these commercials made me interested. I never played the first one.

Thoughts about it? I don't know if this is a comparison at all, but is the gameplay somewhat like Fallout 3?
bioshock> fallout 3

bioshock was pretty linear, unlike fallout 3

I havent played bioshock2 yet but i know, its def worth it, or atleast pick up the first one
from what ive read bioshock>bioshock 2

mainly because the whole WOW factor is gone. not to say this isnt a good game. it sounds like its more of the same thing with some changes like dual wielding plasmid and gun. not to mention the hacking. the pipes have been taken away. now its more like reloading in gears of war.
The first one had me shook when I first played it
. I want the second one, but I got the Red Rings of Death on my 360 just recently
First was easily the best single player experience I have ever had in a video game. The 2nd isn't quite as good, but the multiplayer is very solid
GET IT! and you said you dont have the first? please get that too, its like $20 now, do yourself a favor and get both
bioshock> fallout 3
not really. Fallout three was amazing. Bioshock was cool but I never finished it.just started today again cause of the snowday hopefully i get further this time.
The game itself is awesome but its TOO FREAKING DIFFICULT

Feel like I run out of ammo all the time, and have to resort to punching people with my drill... might try out the multiplayer just for the heck of it
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

The game itself is awesome but its TOO FREAKING DIFFICULT

Feel like I run out of ammo all the time, and have to resort to punching people with my drill... might try out the multiplayer just for the heck of it

Just spend more time looking for ammo and !%@* to hack. I've only run out once and that was during a fight against like 20 people at once. But I got through it with plasmids that turn people into helping me.

Personally, I love this game already. It's not as good as the first one, but this never had a chance to be. I'm around 10 or 11 hours in.
Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

I will cop this but believe nothing is touching Fallout 3. IDK what it is about that game but I love it so much.

The gigantic, open world and how any choice you make can affect the rest of the game. Bioshock 2 is almost on par with Fallout 3 though.

Just beat the campaign earlier tonight. It was a fun ride. Got real challenging about 75% through, and the last level was nuts. I'd recommend that people save ALL the Little Sisters. It comes back to help you
Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

I will cop this but believe nothing is touching Fallout 3. IDK what it is about that game but I love it so much.
Oblivion > Fallout 3..............imo
I enjoyed the original bioshock. I didn't get to finish it tho.Was i the only one freaked out by the game?......i was kinda scared no lie.
Wow.. that was the quickest I've ever beaten a game.. it was fun while it lasted.. but was shorter than MW/MW2

i really can't believe the game was that short
have it for pc just hate that you cant freeze time while switching weapons or plasmids like the first one
i got it before it was released, but idk to me its boring. I liked fallout 3 a lot more
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