Bipolar Disorder

Aug 14, 2008
Just found out that I have bipolar disorder. At first it did not make sense as I thought I just had ADHD and General Anxiety but after seeing a psychiatrist it all makes sense now. I have racing thoughts, highs and lows that can switch from minutes to hours, days, weeks or months. I walk around with either a sad face like the world is on my shoulders or I feel like I am the greatest thing in the world and have unrealistic expectations of my self. This led me to have low self esteem and social anxiety and I have alienated a lot of people and the absolute worst with women. The only reason I have friends is because I have been a nice guy and they can tolerate me but I am so random of a person and don't keep in touch enough or feel I am a burden on people shoulders. I have lost contact with a lot of people unintentionally because I am of in my own world or I just randomly contact a friend when I have a high mood but then eventually loose touch because I am easily distracted. I have had suicidal thoughts or wishing that things were different or I was another person. I never really took any step towards attempting suicide because deep down I know I have friends and family that care for me and love me. Smoking or drinking does not really solve any problems and sometimes amplifies a mood. Bud is all right but I know I can't live on that to get by on life. My psychiatrist gave me a sample pack of Depakote er so I hope that helps to at least control or manage my mood. Does any one else go through this?

-May Have Bipolar Disorder
-Makes sense when looking at symptoms
-Racing thoughts, pressured speech, random personality,
-Taking a trial sample of meds used to treat Bipolar Disorder

Any other person on NT with this.
i posted this a while back but come to find out dude was just "bi-polar"

he is back to normal now chillin like it never happen lol

Alright mate. Even though I don't suffer from Bipolar Disorder myself I didn't want this thread to die a death, since I know how lonely it can be sometimes.

I'm currently deep in the mire of a whole gamut of mental health problems myself, after months and months of medication, therapy, self harm, suicide attempts, seeing mental health nurses, therapists and psychologists the psychiatrist ultimately wouldn't give me a primary diagnosis as I appear to suffer from so many different elements of different disorders. Which is... reassuring.

I hope things start looking up for you mate, I won't give you false hope or supply you with sugarcoated platitudes which basically amount to the square root of #!*@ all but yeah, hopefully you assemble a good mental health team and amass some good people to help you out and let you manage this.

Take care.
I've been working in therapy since '06. I wish you the best. Remember a diagnosis only labels you. Do not be compartmentalized by a classification.

Don't let the stigma of a disorder weigh you dow even more, because my guess is that you already have enough on your shoulder.

I know NT clowns around alot but if any of you guys just need to chop it up, feel free to hit me up here or PM.

And I'm sure there are also other professional, let alone good dudes on this site with positive words.

Be well
Be careful. When I worked at a Paych clinic back in HS and part of college I use to deal with a lot of people with this. Some of them got really bad once they got off their meds to the point where it was a total 180 in character. Others were only slightly different. I wish you luck and it seems to be tough the deal with. Negative thing is that if you have children one day you'll probably pass off the gene to them.
Yeah I use to think I had that !%%@ too...but then I just figured it was life. We go through highs and lows...but I never wanted to be put on medication.
I am a caseworker at a mental health clinic. TAKE YOUR MEDS. Bipolar is totally manageable (for some people). If you're serious about controlling it lay off the bud and alcohol for a while to see if it gets better with the meds and without those substances. Also if you just got on meds and the depakote doesn't work don't give up. You will have to go through several adjustments and medication changes until you find the right one which is a process. Also, chill out on caffeine and other things which are stimulants.

Depending on the severity (mild, moderate, severe, check your diagnosis or ask your Dr.) you can just make meds a part of your life and eliminate alot of the mood swings.
Originally Posted by Hazat50

I have racing thoughts, highs and lows that can switch from minutes to hours, days, weeks or months. I walk around with either a sad face like the world is on my shoulders or I feel like I am the greatest thing in the world and have unrealistic expectations of my self. This led me to have low self esteem and social anxiety and I have alienated a lot of people and the absolute worst with women. I have lost contact with a lot of people unintentionally because I am of in my own world or I just randomly contact a friend when I have a high mood but then eventually loose touch because I am easily distracted. I have had suicidal thoughts or wishing that things were different or I was another person.

so if a person were to be able to relate to the above post, do they really, really need to see a doctor about bipolar disorder?
because this person really, really hates doctors.
Originally Posted by ponson02

I am a caseworker at a mental health clinic. TAKE YOUR MEDS. Bipolar is totally manageable (for some people). If you're serious about controlling it lay off the bud and alcohol for a while to see if it gets better with the meds and without those substances. Also if you just got on meds and the depakote doesn't work don't give up. You will have to go through several adjustments and medication changes until you find the right one which is a process. Also, chill out on caffeine and other things which are stimulants.

Depending on the severity (mild, moderate, severe, check your diagnosis or ask your Dr.) you can just make meds a part of your life and eliminate alot of the mood swings.

I really feel like the bud and alcohol contributes to that way of's like when I use to smoke and I would come down then next day or two I wasn't thinking clear. I would have the same issue if it was only alcohol, so that's why I put all that stuff down and I haven't felt better since. Some people can drink and smoke with no problem, but for me I was a total wreck for the next ensuing days.
My ex girl was bi-polar. Anxiety attacks were vicious when we broke up.
Word thanks for the advice and support. I just on Day 2 of the new meds I got and I am gonna see the psych again this friday to see if it had an impact and it is not damaging my liver. Yeah I hate what is does to me, I frequently have mental debates with myself on whether I did anything wrong or whether its ok for me to go some place because I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable with my presence. There are days where I just don't leave my house and days where I want to be out and all over the place. But I am gonna keep fighting and try to prioritize my self, not put pressure on me to get things done and manage Highs and Lows.
just ran across this post..old i know but thought i'd share. just diagnosed bipolar 2 myself. had seen the symptoms since i was in my late teens but just kinda ignored them. anxiety ,insomnia and mood swings have been bad for over a year so finally went in to get it checked out. was put on hopefully it gets better. would rather avoid lithium and benzos.
just ran across this post..old i know but thought i'd share. just diagnosed bipolar 2 myself. had seen the symptoms since i was in my late teens but just kinda ignored them. anxiety ,insomnia and mood swings have been bad for over a year so finally went in to get it checked out. was put on hopefully it gets better. would rather avoid lithium and benzos.

you were diagnosed by a medical professional? wish you the best man.
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