Birth Control question, help please!

Jul 2, 2002
Ok so my girlfriend takes that YAZ stuff and she recently started using slimquick.

She's a little over a week late on her . and she's feeling sick and stuff. She's taken 3 tests that were all negative with the most recent beingtoday.

Could the diet pills be the cause for the lack of you know what?
could be. she should talk to her doctor though about any sort of odd interactions. or she could just be.. sick.
I'm pretty sure Yaz affects how many times women get their period a year as well as acting as birth control.

Your girl should really know what shes taking before she starts.
That's what I thought too, that she was just sick but if she's this late it's kind of odd ya know? We're going to the doctor when she getsoutta work but I was just curious if anyone else had an experience with this
yea i heard the same... that stuff can mess a girls cycle up.
crapwill have you thinkin you a father everytime you smash
Nah it's the whole "shorter, lighter" nonsense. It took her body a long time to get used to it but it's been working normal for the lastcouple months so that's why this is a surprise. It's just really weird that this is the same month she started taking Slimquick so I really feel likethat has something to do with it
Originally Posted by marath0n

Originally Posted by donpoppa

its gonna be hard to find a answer on a forum full of guys


Word, take this +%%@ to JJB.
SOME dudes on here get girls and have girlfriends, and let's not forget there IS a female population on here that hasn't been scared offquite yet
this girl i know was takin birthcontrol pills
but she took an antiboitic, that countered out the effects of the birthcontrol
and she got pregnant
Originally Posted by Thugnificence

i thought yaz made you get a period 4 times a year...
No. Yaz comes with 4 placebo pills, so you get your period every damn month as expected.
Originally Posted by Rawk On

Originally Posted by Thugnificence

i thought yaz made you get a period 4 times a year...
No. Yaz comes with 4 placebo pills, so you get your period every damn month as expected.
My girl is on Yaz but she doesnt get a full period, she just spots and it's only a few days.
hey OP I wouldnt be too concerned. My girl is on YAZ and has been for atleast the last 12-18 months. During that time there has been atleast 1 or 2 monthswhere she was a week late. If the tests are coming up negative I wouldn't stress too much. That being said, its probably a good idea for your girl to talkto her doc about any complications or reactions to other medicines or supplements she started taking.
taking pills could mess up the cycle i wouldnt be too worried especially if youve takin 3 preggo tests.
until im married i will never smash raw, and i do the pull out method with a rubber on to be 1000000 percent sure i dont get a girl preggo
Originally Posted by Rightguard

until im married i will never smash raw, and i do the pull out method with a rubber on to be 1000000 percent sure i dont get a girl preggo

you're missing out..
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