Bizarre smoking story. Any explanations NT?

Jan 14, 2009
ok so a bunch of my buddies went on a camping trip about an hour away from where we live. there's probably around 10 of them, plus or minus, and they allbrought up weed to smoke. they planned a 3 day and 2 night trip. on the first night they got completely blown, hot boxing the tent, and doing whatever elsethey did. they got away scott free with no troubles. the second night a park ranger or maybe sheriff pulled up to their camping spot after they had allsmoked. everything was going fine, the only reason he was there was because they had too many cars in the area and they just had to fill out some forms andpay some money.

the cop was getting to leave, but as soon as he turns around, this one kid who had just smoked screams out of nowhere at the cop "im SOO f$@%inghigh!" and the cop looks at him. the kid slowly gets up and grabs a tennis ball off the ground and starts to walk to the sheriff and he throws the tennisball at the sheriffs head. the kid is so high the cop doesnt even think hes on weed, he thought he was on LSD or something. the cop then sits him down and thekid who smoked starts drawing stuff in the ground, just completely out of it. later the cop calls for back up, arrests him and calls an ambulance and the kidis taken to the hospital. what i was told was that he smoked 5 bowls of afgani kush out of a zong.

any explanations as to what happend? ive never heard of this before.

this is the tennis ball that started it all.

a bunch of my friends went camping.

they all brought weed to smoke.

a sheriff came to tell them they had too many cars at the spot.

one kid who was completely out of it screamed "im SO f$#@ing high!" at the cop out of nowhere.

the kid then gets up, grabs and tennis ball and throws it at the cops head.

he gets put in an ambulance and taken to the hospital.

he smoked 5 bowls out of a zong before all this happened.
too bad that was about my friend and his gf who happened to be at the camping spot. his stories not related at all besides the smoking.
let me guess, the girl you're talking to came up with her friends and got mad because you were high?
maybe he is just a dumb person?

For real if somebody in my circle did that theres a good chance he's gettin his %#$ kicked.
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