Black Folk, Where are we at when it comes to allowing others to use N word with the A

but it seems to me that most non-blacks don't understand you "struggle" because some blacks don't know themselves and use the N-word with eachother
I talk about and talk directly to blacks that have this mindset as well.  I help educate them as well.  
but at the end of the day she wasn't quoting the song title. the title of the song is N____ in Paris. Where as her tweet said N_____Z in Paris Foreal. Implying that shes talking about the people in her twit pic who are black and shes calling them N______S!

now I could see how she could be misconstrued if she said something along the lines of " I love these guys song, N_____s in Pairs." but instead she simply stated that these Ninjas where in Paris FOR REAL ( like they were actually in Paris)

now you can say that shes their friend and that shes their buddy and all, but in addition to Jay and Ye in the picture there were other black people also photographed. (including Spike who got caught in the cross fire
) I also find that youtube video someone posted of her on that bbc show....

she knew consciously what she was doing, she knew what she was typing, she even added a Z for extra cool points

but at the end of the day she didn't care because shes got that coke white skin and the privilege card it comes with.

and honestly when you think about it, the blades of glory quote is quite fitting to this situation.... "don't even know what that means

(No one knows what it means, but it's provocative)

No it's not, it's gross (Gets the people going)"
Originally Posted by Nowitzness41

Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

Originally Posted by Nowitzness41

Wait, thats what you got from that? Quit acting like a child already: I clearly stated that the Black Panther comparison was used because they were both racially motivated (never said one way or another if one was negative or positive). 2nd, all the facts AREN'T out yet, we're merely talking about a 911 tape, which DOES NOT make the entire case or prove everything. And you cant deny that so many people have taken sides and jumped to conclusions based on their own agenda. Its clear that youre just trying to make me look bad and throw stones in my direction, because i called you out on your BS- keep it up dude

Wait a minute Deuce: "i was completely incorrect", not for what i used it for, and that wasnt the point of what i said (i never claimed they were hate mongers or were formed to kill whites). I acknowledged the remainder of what i left out though. BIG DIFFERENCE. Also, just because youve made up your mind and think said 911 tape proves everything- it doesnt change that all the facts arent out yet. We're talking a matter of wording, not necessarily speaking wrong on subjects my man. Im leaving it at this though, ive got work to do- peace

at this point you are just copping pleas. You have already exposed your self as a person who will talk out their $*+ without even researching a situation why should anyone take time to respond to you.
Ok, you win- you can have those reparations for black people that you wanted
i dont talk out my rear, i say things to prove a point. But ofcourse theyre dead to you, because your young mind is already made up on things. Clearly, whoever raised you passed down that chip that you got on your shoulder. Keep reaching for the sky youngblood
We call them reparations, yall call em bailouts it the same thing
There's clearly something amiss if a word continues to create all this conversation and confusion over context, "passes", environment, etymology, color of skin, and pronunciation. From my perusal of the thread, it seems that most in here think that the word is wrong in some form or manner. That leads me to wonder then why anyone who finds the word's usage objectionable would then use that same word. Some in here proclaim a racial monopoly on the word's usage but I know for a fact that there is no racial monopoly on the word's offensiveness.

In all things, let's not hold others to standards we ourselves do not heed. "Be the change you want to see in the world."

From personal experience, educational attainment and the usage of this word have an inverse relationship.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

From personal experience, educational attainment and the usage of this word have an inverse relationship.
 at people thinking that they own a word.  you can have it.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

There's clearly something amiss if a word continues to create all this conversation and confusion over context, "passes", environment, etymology, color of skin, and pronunciation. From my perusal of the thread, it seems that most in here think that the word is wrong in some form or manner. That leads me to wonder then why anyone who finds the word's usage objectionable would then use that same word. Some in here proclaim a racial monopoly on the word's usage but I know for a fact that there is no racial monopoly on the word's offensiveness.

In all things, let's not hold others to standards we ourselves do not heed. "Be the change you want to see in the world."

From personal experience, educational attainment and the usage of this word have an inverse relationship.

Thing is though, nobody is arguing that the original def of the term is right, or even the usage of it being right. However, is it so hard to realize why a certain race can't say the word (publicly)? It certainly shouldn't be.My objection isn't the word, but how someone can be offended by a word they willingly use themselves. Also, Can one person, 1 , tell me a viable reason as to why a white person would want to say it?Is it not obvious why certain minorities do? To feel prvieladge in a society that grants them none. I also disagree with the correlation with education, it simply has nothing to do with it.
no one has answered my question why do white people want to be able to openly say %$@+!@ sooo bad?
Originally Posted by CashBanks

no one has answered my question why do white people want to be able to openly say %$@+!@ sooo bad?

 that was my question but like I said it think it makes them feel 'in' or cool. I wish they would openly admit it tho. this is directed at those who defend their actions and fight it.
Originally Posted by CashBanks

no one has answered my question why do white people want to be able to openly say %$@+!@ sooo bad?

why do black people feel the need to be able to openly say the word so bad as well?
Originally Posted by DaBottom305

Originally Posted by CashBanks

no one has answered my question why do white people want to be able to openly say %$@+!@ sooo bad?

 that was my question but like I said it think it makes them feel 'in' or cool. I wish they would openly admit it tho. this is directed at those who defend their actions and fight it.
You create value when you exclude people from using it
Lol..yall still in here talking about this...nobody owns a single word..anybody can say it....
Originally Posted by imthekang

Lol..yall still in here talking about this...nobody owns a single word..anybody can say it....

exactly, good luck trying to explain that to some of the backwards logic members on here though.

still haven't got a response as to why some (not all) black people feel the need to use that word as part of their everyday vocabulary so badly yet start crying when someone from another ethnicity uses it.
Originally Posted by Hermosa Beach

Originally Posted by imthekang

Lol..yall still in here talking about this...nobody owns a single word..anybody can say it....

exactly, good luck trying to explain that to some of the backwards logic members on here though.

still haven't got a response as to why some (not all) black people feel the need to use that word as part of their everyday vocabulary so badly yet start crying when someone from another ethnicity uses it.

You still haven't answered our question FIRST.  Why do you a white person desire to use the word to begin with??
Originally Posted by Hermosa Beach

Originally Posted by imthekang

Lol..yall still in here talking about this...nobody owns a single word..anybody can say it....

exactly, good luck trying to explain that to some of the backwards logic members on here though.

still haven't got a response as to why some (not all) black people feel the need to use that word as part of their everyday vocabulary so badly yet start crying when someone from another ethnicity uses it.
Every single group on the planet has language or cultural nuances that are used internally but raise eyebrows when used by outsiders.

But because our culture is so accessible and relentlessly marketed, many people seem to think that anything is fair game when it comes to Black folk.

They soon come to their senses when the cross that line with the wrong _, though.
didn't read anything other than the first page.

I'm black, and don't use it. Guess i'm old school, in that my father taught me that if someone 1) called me "the n word" or 2) spit on me, that permission for an asswhoopin
The only white people I have ever known that use the word, grew up around it.

The kind of guy you would see in a picture of 10 friends and he's the only white guy.

When you hear it non-stop for most/all of your life and then you hear it 20x in every song, it becomes a habit and part of your vocabulary..

But, at the same time, I know there are people like the white people you guys are mainly referring to that come from the burbs and think they're cool by saying it, but they actually sound really dumb.

It's crazy though that a word that was used to hurt your ancestors was eventually flipped and used as a common word that you only "allow" certain people to say..

But, that goes back to my original point. Your ancestors were around the word for so long, that it became a part of your vocabulary, just like the white kid that grew up with all black friends..

I do know A LOT of Asians that use it. Loas, Cambodian, Vietnamese.

I have actually strayed away from a lot of music I used to listen to because of the overuse of the word. Every other word..I remember copping mobb deeps "Imfamy" album back in the day and was mind blown at how many times they said it on the album. I counted back then, but I don't remember how many times...HUNDREDS..garbage..
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by Hermosa Beach

Originally Posted by imthekang

Lol..yall still in here talking about this...nobody owns a single word..anybody can say it....

exactly, good luck trying to explain that to some of the backwards logic members on here though.

still haven't got a response as to why some (not all) black people feel the need to use that word as part of their everyday vocabulary so badly yet start crying when someone from another ethnicity uses it.
Every single group on the planet has language or cultural nuances that are used internally but raise eyebrows when used by outsiders.

But because our culture is so accessible and relentlessly marketed, many people seem to think that anything is fair game when it comes to Black folk.

They soon come to their senses when the cross that line with the wrong _, though.

Blame the N's that got so excited about being in paris lol

but for real, there is little to no cultural respect for black people in this society. THis right here is just evidence of another of the many slaps in the face black receive.  It's ok to do this but as soon as you say anything about jews, you're a anti semite.

This is hypocrisy. 

If white ppl feel the need to do this and think it;s ok, they need to know that they are agreeing to systematically disrespect a peoples culture and struggle. 

I really don't care about the ownership of the word argument. It's tired. 

The fact that you knowingly call someone this and you are aware of the history and connotation behind the word means you are a foul individual. Ain't no way around that. 

EVerybody wanna be a N_ when it's convenient .
Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by Hermosa Beach

exactly, good luck trying to explain that to some of the backwards logic members on here though.

still haven't got a response as to why some (not all) black people feel the need to use that word as part of their everyday vocabulary so badly yet start crying when someone from another ethnicity uses it.
Every single group on the planet has language or cultural nuances that are used internally but raise eyebrows when used by outsiders.

But because our culture is so accessible and relentlessly marketed, many people seem to think that anything is fair game when it comes to Black folk.

They soon come to their senses when the cross that line with the wrong _, though.

Blame the N's that got so excited about being in paris lol

but for real, there is little to no cultural respect for black people in this society. THis right here is just evidence of another of the many slaps in the face black receive.  It's ok to do this but as soon as you say anything about jews, you're a anti semite.

This is hypocrisy. 

If white ppl feel the need to do this and think it;s ok, they need to know that they are agreeing to systematically disrespect a peoples culture and struggle. 

I really don't care about the ownership of the word argument. It's tired. 

The fact that you knowingly call someone this and you are aware of the history and connotation behind the word means you are a foul individual. Ain't no way around that. 

EVerybody wanna be a N_ when it's convenient .
Asian people use the term "%@!+%@ eyes" all the time... Yall think they wouldn't be offended if the term "%@!+%@" became fair game? Nah son. I agree, our culture is so "mainstream" now that people think anything is fair game.
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by Hermosa Beach

Originally Posted by imthekang

Lol..yall still in here talking about this...nobody owns a single word..anybody can say it....

exactly, good luck trying to explain that to some of the backwards logic members on here though.

still haven't got a response as to why some (not all) black people feel the need to use that word as part of their everyday vocabulary so badly yet start crying when someone from another ethnicity uses it.
Every single group on the planet has language or cultural nuances that are used internally but raise eyebrows when used by outsiders.

But because our culture is so accessible and relentlessly marketed, many people seem to think that anything is fair game when it comes to Black folk.

They soon come to their senses when the cross that line with the wrong _, though.

pretty much. If I were to start inserting Órale into my daily vocab,Id get some eyebrows, and thats not even an offensive word.
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by Hermosa Beach

Originally Posted by imthekang

Lol..yall still in here talking about this...nobody owns a single word..anybody can say it....

exactly, good luck trying to explain that to some of the backwards logic members on here though.

still haven't got a response as to why some (not all) black people feel the need to use that word as part of their everyday vocabulary so badly yet start crying when someone from another ethnicity uses it.
Every single group on the planet has language or cultural nuances that are used internally but raise eyebrows when used by outsiders.

But because our culture is so accessible and relentlessly marketed, many people seem to think that anything is fair game when it comes to Black folk.

They soon come to their senses when the cross that line with the wrong _, though.
famb just spit the real.
hermosa beach is straight trolling.. he knows damb well he aint gonna be kickin' the N word around all willy nilly...

get outta here w/ that nonsense.
The rule is this and it should never be argued

NON-BLACK people can NEVER use this word. EVER. This includes white, asian, indo-asian, latin, texan, martian - Doesn't matter.

(I'm NOT black)


Let black people handle this argument - NON BLACK PEOPLE HAVE NO RIGHT to even cast an opinion on this - you will ALWAYS sound offensive because you are not black.

Thank you and I'm not even sure this is relevant but I had to say it
Originally Posted by Hermosa Beach

Originally Posted by CashBanks

no one has answered my question why do white people want to be able to openly say %$@+!@ sooo bad?

why do black people feel the need to be able to openly say the word so bad as well?
Most of us know that the Black/African American culture is emulated throughout the spectrum of ethnicities, we're a fascinating breed.
Our lingo, our style, our different hues and our staple in society and history.
It's not a 'need' to use the word, it's in our culture and used in our homes and amongst our closest circle of friends and family.
It's threaded in to the fabric of who we are, negative connotation or not. There's no NEED or a sense of urgency when using it, it just so happens to be a word we're familiar with and on occasion feel comfortable utilizing.

Blacks fought for the right to LEARN a word
Other ethnicities are fighting for the right to say a word that helped destroy the image of blacks in America.

Way to go.
Originally Posted by Hermosa Beach

Originally Posted by CashBanks

no one has answered my question why do white people want to be able to openly say %$@+!@ sooo bad?

why do black people feel the need to be able to openly say the word so bad as well?

  great response
Originally Posted by bkzkurse

The rule is this and it should never be argued

NON-BLACK people can NEVER use this word. EVER. This includes white, asian, indo-asian, latin, texan, martian - Doesn't matter.

(I'm NOT black)


Let black people handle this argument - NON BLACK PEOPLE HAVE NO RIGHT to even cast an opinion on this - you will ALWAYS sound offensive because you are not black.

Thank you and I'm not even sure this is relevant but I had to say it
let me quote one of the best NT lines ever delivered, and i'm paraphrasing here....

"Man, sit your burger %%! down"

thank you.
Idc who says it but it's up to my determination if I think ur being disrespectful with it so if you get a punch in the face for it don't be surprised....
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