Can you get a pic of the twentythirteen engraving on the tongue? The grape color looks washed out and too dark, but i think its just the lighting. Aside from that i don't see any problems
These look good to me. It's weird how your phone takes better pictures than your camera. 

-Netting is correct

-Tongue and shape of shoe looks correct

-Material looks correct (should have an ashy look in Men's sizes)
Yeah my camera is probably 2008-2009 technology. All I really use it for is to take pics of my auto parts I sell on eBay so don't really need anything great. Think I'll get a new one just for the hell of it. Thanks a lot.
Can you get a pic of the twentythirteen engraving on the tongue? The grape color looks washed out and too dark, but i think its just the lighting. Aside from that i don't see any problems
hey guys.. just wondering if the engraving appears on both sides or only one side. If my pair only has them on one side.. fake?
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