Black guy hair cuts

Yo bubba ray sparxx

Post a tagged pic of your shape up

When That roody poo army cut grow back

You beige jabroni
Where's your face at Though offset.
That's all that matters, anything else you just running, and running your mouths
Legs for lips,

Mad at me because you look like a combination of Marcus Smart and Kevin Durants skin.

Shut up, and post that hairline son
true dat

hair has a strong evolutionary significance/spiritual

if it were not so there would be no rogaine, finastride, and propecia;

in which the side effects can sacrifice your erections :x permantly :smh:
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modern hair cut thread wish they had this much excitement 

edit : they gon have a faux hawk showdown to compete 
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It's pretty silly.
Should have known that Giving a guy calling my hairline "a struggle" a chance to show his non-struggle hairline was never going to happen.
Easy to talk, not so easy to show and prove.
I know who you are now though offset, I'm off it though.

Back to waves and fades and nuderd's
Smh at y'all paying more than $15 dollars for a cut. I ain't tipping nobody if I gotta be paying $20 for a basic *** cut lol
How much does booth rent run in your parts though? Out here you really don't have much choice other than to pay $20 for a basic cut. 
Finally adjusted my T-liners, they are very sharp now. Why don't they come out of the box like this?

Anyone use these? How much closer are they than T-liners?

Buying one of these was one of the best purchases I have ever made. 

Buy! Buy! Buy!
Finally adjusted my T-liners, they are very sharp now. Why don't they come out of the box like this?

Anyone use these? How much closer are they than T-liners?

What YouTube video did you use?

Search "adjusting t-outliners" and its the first video by a dude called Deandre Barnes

Definitely gonna grab some of those Wahl 5 Stars when I find a good price. Sally's wants $60 :x
It's a shame Whal discontinued the line. Now you have to look far and wide for a chance to cop em. I bought two of those badboys with spare parts and everything.
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Smh at y'all paying more than $15 dollars for a cut. I ain't tipping nobody if I gotta be paying $20 for a basic *** cut lol
Its called inflation. My shop went from 20 to 25 for a cut this year out in LA. I also lived in NYC for a few years and paid 20-25 there as well. Rent is much more in these cities so its expected.
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