Black guy hair cuts

Growing the top out and getting the sides faded. About 6 weeks in and I'm going for the below look. My hair is just staying wavy and greasy looking as hell :smh:. Not even brushing it really (just with a soft brush when I wake up. Any advice?
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Thinking bout adopting the Cameron Wake Pro Bowl Draft look as my next style.

Will add pic in a min.
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Growing the top out and getting the sides faded. About 6 weeks in and I'm going for the below look. My hair is just staying wavy and greasy looking as hell :smh:. Not even brushing it really (just with a soft brush when I wake up. Any advice?
I like that hairstyle

I got the usher look for my last haircut and I regret it. It was a last sec decision. Ive gotten it previously but im not confident with the look on me. The ladies love touching on my hair tho lol. But hopefully this weekend Im just gonna low fade the sides and back to eliminate the look lol.
Still trying to figure out what the heck this haircut is called so I can get my barber to master it...




Diddy's son btw.
The first pic gives a good representation of the haircut from all angles. I would just show that pic to the barber.
Justin's mother is mixed with japanese I think. That's probably why his texture looks like that.

I doubt that's perm or chemicals.
[emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] black boys
those of you thinking about getting dreads DO NOT PUT PRODUCTS IN YOUR HAIR! Dont let anybody tell you different.
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