Black guy hair cuts

Like others have said cutting you hair is trial and error what's worked for me was watching tutorials while I was cutting my hair it always helps to have the instruction in front of you and you can rewind accordingly it might not come out extra professional but the first go but you'll be decent
Been growing my hair out for some months now. Kinda want a fade but it's about to be fall so whatever
You can gather all the info you want, some folks just don't have that kind of hand eye coordination.

It's like any type of skilled trade. Anyone can learn the basic techniques, but there's a big difference between getting it done and doing a great job. It takes a certain eye for details and the patience to perfect the cut and not just settle for good enough.

End result

Extra clean my dude. Info on the glasses? I need some new joints.
I started cutting my hair in highschool. First few cuts were :{ started to get good around my senior year.
Then in college i got so good i was cutting the whole dorm for the 4 years i was there :hat
It takes time to get get and alot of trial and error.

Same story for me. Always had spending money and a nice cut. I remember I was cutting so many heads on the weekend, I had to put my trimmers in the fridge.
Once you get your mirror game down then you're good. That's the hardest part for me. Stay moving in the wrong direction
I started cutting my hair in highschool. First few cuts were
started to get good around my senior year.
Then in college i got so good i was cutting the whole dorm for the 4 years i was there

It takes time to get get and alot of trial and error.
This. The mirrors were a tough challenge for me when I started out cutting my hair (around '07 or so). I used to go with all around ceasars and switched over to fades in about 2012. The light hits at different angles and you can easily cut the hair lower than you needed to. Trust me, I've botched more cuts that I care to even think of right now.

It's trial and a lot of error. But once you've got it down pat, it's worth it all. I paid $80 for my Andis Masters back in 2014 and got my T Outliner for free because my uncle's a barber and gave me one of his extra pairs. Hearing my friends say they spend about $30+ on cuts these days just makes me extra glad I learned how to do it myself. It's definitely a skill worth honing in on fams. 
Yeah I've been cutting my own hair since 07. Only step into a barbershop if someone I'm with is getting a quick cut.
Do any of you guys have some advice on how to grow sides back without having to cut the top or start all over. I got a flat top but I want to my sides back.
Are you looking for a style while its growing? Just let it grow as is.
nah, I just want to grow a fro but I currently have a flat top. I'm thinking bout letting my sides grow certain then trim the top to the same length as the side

Just got a hair cut. Tried to do a twist out with a high top fade.
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