I am working on a product to protect soles... Yes I know that "sole saver" already exists, but after using their product I realized it needed improvements. I had emailed them some suggestions but never heard back from them so I started working on my own design... Currently my design is being tested on various sneakers and is still under development. I wanted to show some of you guys in this thread some of my initial results and am considering giving out some samples to a few NT'ers to get some feedback.
I am not new to NT by any means... Simply lost access to my account, went off to school, and lurked... In 2005 my SN was Highoctane08, don't know if anyone remembers me...
This is not a "selling" post, as I have not set up a site or produced quantities to sell...
Like previously stated, I'm putting my pics in here since the AY2 was what I personally used to product test my design...
Wore (Casually) the AY2 with my product... Around the Mall, Movies, Dinner, around Campus...
Total wears were 10...
Did not do any strenuous activities, such as play basketball or run in them...
I did not wear them in heavy or steady rain... Not worn in snow...
This is what the bottom looks like after 10 "light"/"casual" wears with my product...
This is what the bottom looks like after taking my product off...