blackberry experts, I NEED HELP

Jul 24, 2007
I figure I'd get more responses if I started a new thread than posting on the official blcakberry thread.

I have a curve 8900 and just recently downloaded the latest bbm. i pulled the battery out because I had to restart. When I start the phone again, I just getthis white screen with the clock and it stays that way for 10-20 minutes or so. Then it turns off and the red light goes up and it repeats the process..

Anyone know how I can get my blackberry to work again? or if theres a master reset button that resets my software? I tried the small button on the bottom butit doesn't work. any help is appreciated. thanks fam.
the update isnt out. and u pulled the battery out instead of the phone restarting manually.

im comfused
Originally Posted by a55a5in11

the update isnt out. and u pulled the battery out instead of the phone restarting manually.

im comfused

my bbm was outdated so i decided to update it finally on my spare time. i usually don't update much unless its a need.

and yes i pulled the battery out instead of restarting manually because i wanted to do other things before i restarted the phone. i knwo it was a bad move
Might have to restore it thru the desktop software.
Y u pull the batt out after u dl'd the new OS?
when it gets to the white screeen, pull the battery again and replace it. push random buttons as it powers on.
U gotta call Tmo customer support. When u do u tell them that the 8900 blows and that u need the Touch Pro 2. Should solve all ur problems
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

U gotta call Tmo customer support. When u do u tell them that the 8900 blows and that u need the Touch Pro 2. Should solve all ur problems
i was ganna hit up my dealer first thing in the morning..

from what i read so far, downloading software on my phone could corrupt my OS. i downloaded the newest BBM from app world and I guess that caused it to"nuke." I'm trying this method where I delete the trouble apps from my phone.. I'll let ya'll know how it goes. Thanks for the help fam,any more tips would be great.
so my blackberry is pretty much RIP according to the customer service and they're sending me a new one. thanks for the help guys.
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