BlackBerry Users: Post Your Brickbreaker High Score

26590, it's all I do on the subway.
Originally Posted by 84jordan03

Originally Posted by richKarlmarx

Originally Posted by 84jordan03

after you beat all of the levels twice it reverts back to being easy. i had over 300,000 pts and 85 lives until i forgot to charge my phone. it was one ridiculous streak. needless to say i lost my score

officially my score is at 33760... i hate this game
wait expand on this. what happens when you bet all levels twice? it becomes easy? i thought it was the same difficulty the whole way through.

and what happens when you forget to charge your phone? sorry for grilling you, i just got the bold like 2 months ago so im still gettin the hang of it

in the first round, you have a certain amount of time before the stage moves down. in the 2nd round, the stage moves down as soon as the ball is below a certain point in the screen. also, the ball also moves faster in that second round when it hits near the edges of your paddle.

after the second round, you get the longer amount of time again before the stage falls and the ball doesnt pick up as much speed.

and to answer your other question, the score counter resets when your phone dies. i was playing that game for a week, then it was like i never played it. just thinking about it makes me
Something similar happened to me. I beat the game like 20 times and had some crazy high score with like 100 lives, but my phone was gettinglowercase edge. I wasn't getting any emails and I needed them for work. So when I rebooted my phone, all of the emails were there, but may game wasgone
Does anybody know the most efficient way to get points? Do you get more points for using the gun/laser/bomb or just do it the old fashion way with the ball andpaddle? Last night I was on level 16, looked at my score and only had 8,050 points when I usually have 9000+ points at that point.
Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

Does anybody know the most efficient way to get points? Do you get more points for using the gun/laser/bomb or just do it the old fashion way with the ball and paddle? Last night I was on level 16, looked at my score and only had 8,050 points when I usually have 9000+ points at that point.
you do get more points for getting those items, it like 50 pts. i usually go for all of them, except the FLIP and WRAP because they mess me upsometimes. but depending on the situation, ill skip some of the other ones too... never skip LIFE though.
Had round 13000, levels in the high 20's. Back when i had a Blackberry, now its all about Bejeweled 2 for the iphone. Holla.
Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

Does anybody know the most efficient way to get points? Do you get more points for using the gun/laser/bomb or just do it the old fashion way with the ball and paddle? Last night I was on level 16, looked at my score and only had 8,050 points when I usually have 9000+ points at that point.

the most efficient way to score points is by using the gun (missles) to blow up bricks that are 1 hit away from being broken.

usually a brick will take 4 hits to break which gives you 40 points. if you hit it 3 times, and shoot the gun at it to finish it off, you'll get 10 pointsper hit, plus 50 points for blowing it up with the missle.

so, don't use the gun to blow up breaks you haven't hit yet, but bricks that are nearly finished. you'll earn more points that way.

you also earn more points by shooting bricks with the laser. each brick will take 6 laser shots, at 10 points a piece, to break.
Originally Posted by osubass1

Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

Does anybody know the most efficient way to get points? Do you get more points for using the gun/laser/bomb or just do it the old fashion way with the ball and paddle? Last night I was on level 16, looked at my score and only had 8,050 points when I usually have 9000+ points at that point.

the most efficient way to score points is by using the gun (missles) to blow up bricks that are 1 hit away from being broken.

usually a brick will take 4 hits to break which gives you 40 points. if you hit it 3 times, and shoot the gun at it to finish it off, you'll get 10 points per hit, plus 50 points for blowing it up with the missle.

so, don't use the gun to blow up breaks you haven't hit yet, but bricks that are nearly finished. you'll earn more points that way.

you also earn more points by shooting bricks with the laser. each brick will take 6 laser shots, at 10 points a piece, to break.

Gracias mi amigo.
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