
Originally Posted by MrYoungMoney

Originally Posted by msnewkicks

Originally Posted by MrYoungMoney

Haha I'm just kidding, kinda' wish it made you laugh?

Anyways, I think that since he moved closer he feels that "exclusive-ness" is some what gone.

When he was away I'm pretty sure he missed you now that he's so close by there's really nothing to look foward to 

I doubt he's cheating, but if you're accusing that he is & telling him that... That right might make him  want to stay away. 
It did a little.
Idk,  I dont think he would cheat, but the fact that random joints. Joints Ive never heard of just all of a sudden popping up. Im like who is this. "Oh she's from my past I just gave her number, to keep in touch" Okay fine. Then you start holding on to your phone more taking it with you everywhere, in the bathroom. i HAVE never looked through his phone so idk where all this need for privacy came from. But idk smh 

Yeah, that is kinda' shady... 

I'm not going to stick up for him, I don't even know the dude.

I do, however know how a guy thinks.

These girls aren't from his past, probably girls he just met... 

He's holding onto you as a back up, in case something ever goes wrong with another girl that he's dating or messing around with.

It would be too obvious to leave and come back at random times 'cause you would hit him with the famous line "You just called 'cause y'all broke up."

Which he would deny, and say something like "I've been busy." or "You know how work is."

I'm sorry, but you need to put him on the spot and make him choose. 

Seems like you want to get serious, and he doesn't. 

If he says anything but that of what you want to hear you need to let him go.

You never know, he might come around in a year or two hoping to settle down 
You're making a lot of sense.
& you are saying everything that i already think.

the funny thing is that we've had the settling down talk.

moving in, marriage, baby names all of that smdh.

but i guess things have just changed with all this problems we've had
Originally Posted by msnewkicks

Originally Posted by MrYoungMoney

msnewkicks wrote:
You're making a lot of sense.
& you are saying everything that i already think.

the funny thing is that we've had the settling down talk.

moving in, marriage, baby names all of that smdh.

but i guess things have just changed with all this problems we've had

Don't beat yourself up about it though.
You sound like a great person, remember you have to go through all the wrong ones before you get to THE right one.

Hang in there, you're young you'll be alright! 
I'm 21. I settled down and had a kid with a girl I was SO sure I would be with forever.
I'm now in that unhappy relationship, unable to leave because she'd take my daughter to NY where her family lives.
Things change.
You're lucky they changed before you got too deep in.
Good luck.
Originally Posted by Beware The Underdog

strong simp "mym"

Are you taking shots at me?!
Come at me, I don't even know her!

I'm helping her out, like I've helped out every other NT member.

I have a girl, I'd be damned if I simped any woman!

Fools in here want to be negative 'cause they can't make any type of contribution to the thread or OP!
Originally Posted by Beware The Underdog

brb "i dont know her!"

brb "you sound like a great person"

okay do you bro.

Be right back what? She replied, and I replied simple as that. 
I was doing me, and helping her out. I don't see why you have to comment on what everyone else is doing.

I doubt you know the definition of a "simp".

What am I getting out of helping her out?

Her number, Facebook, what?!

Next time come correct! 
Originally Posted by Beware The Underdog

brb "i dont know her!"

brb "you sound like a great person"

okay do you bro.

i dont need the unnecessary drama, i was looking for advice if you're not going to give it . step off my thread.
u fell in love with a _ thats in the army.

He's smashing 5 janks at each place he been stationed. youre not important anymore.
Once you leave dude.. he'll be on his knees begging for you back.

Unless you're fugly
Originally Posted by Luciano Jones

u fell in love with a _ thats in the army.

He's smashing 5 janks at each place he been stationed. youre not important anymore.

lol, he just joined. he had opportunity to smash at AIT, but he was so lovey dovey, i doubt it. and he's been stationed 15 minutes from my house since march only place he's been doubt he smashing anything over there, but who knows 
Honestly, you guys aren't even official. You're free to leave any time you want. He has you as a side piece to keep you when he wants you, but at the same time he can't fend for you emotionally. But that's what you're looking for.

And chill on the baby talk.. I don't know where you're coming from, but you guys are too young and too not committed to be thinking about the future. There's no real 'present' you guys have, so where do you start?

From the looks of it, you're far too in and he's far too out. You gotta meet in the middle somewhere. And he ain't ready for it.
Originally Posted by Lil Cao

Honestly, you guys aren't even official. You're free to leave any time you want. He has you as a side piece to keep you when he wants you, but at the same time he can't fend for you emotionally. But that's what you're looking for.

And chill on the baby talk.. I don't know where you're coming from, but you guys are too young and too not committed to be thinking about the future. There's no real 'present' you guys have, so where do you start?

From the looks of it, you're far too in and he's far too out. You gotta meet in the middle somewhere. And he ain't ready for it.
you know, when you're in the heat of being with someone all the time you dont really look at things like that. but you're right technically we're not together, hes yet to committ. & you're right, thank you 
Seems like you gotta figure out where you guys are at. Are you guys talking, dating, or bf/gf? Does he really not have time, or is he avoiding you? I'd give em a ultimatum "If you want to be with me you got to meet me half way and if we can't hang out X times per month/year then we can't be doing this."
Originally Posted by Purpledino

Seems like you gotta figure out where you guys are at. Are you guys talking, dating, or bf/gf? Does he really not have time, or is he avoiding you? I'd give em a ultimatum "If you want to be with me you got to meet me half way and if we can't hang out X times per month/year then we can't be doing this."
yea idk anymore at this point, im not with that ultimatum crap. im used to just dropping and letting it go, but its hard bc i actually care, i actually want to be with him. but when i see him if ever get the chance i'll come up with something 
Originally Posted by msnewkicks

Originally Posted by Luciano Jones

u fell in love with a _ thats in the army.

He's smashing 5 janks at each place he been stationed. youre not important anymore.

lol, he just joined. he had opportunity to smash at AIT, but he was so lovey dovey, i doubt it. and he's been stationed 15 minutes from my house since march only place he's been doubt he smashing anything over there, but who knows 
I lived with my ex and smashed chicks, moved out and got my own spot 2 min away and continued to smash chicks. Don't be naive that he's not smashing chicks cuz he's only 15 min away. Gives him plenty of time to put chicks out and get cleaned up when he's done with them and you're on your way over.
Originally Posted by JayHood23

Originally Posted by msnewkicks

Originally Posted by Luciano Jones

u fell in love with a _ thats in the army.

He's smashing 5 janks at each place he been stationed. youre not important anymore.

lol, he just joined. he had opportunity to smash at AIT, but he was so lovey dovey, i doubt it. and he's been stationed 15 minutes from my house since march only place he's been doubt he smashing anything over there, but who knows 
I lived with my ex and smashed chicks, moved out and got my own spot 2 min away and continued to smash chicks. Don't be naive that he's not smashing chicks cuz he's only 15 min away. Gives him plenty of time to put chicks out and get cleaned up when he's done with them and you're on your way over.
TRUE.. im just trying to be optimistic. im NO fool thats why i think he is, he cheated on his ex who was the sweetest thing he ever had. im the supposed butthole so im not putting it past him
If you don't think he's really in the relationship then it'd be better to leave. It's not worth your time if he doesn't want to make it work.

Just came across this, and thought it could be applicable. Not necessarily looking at it in the whole people walking away from you, but just in general when things don't work out in relationships. Learn from it, put it in practice in the next one.
Girl, this is what YOU need to do....

Don't call, don't text, don't drop in for visits, don't bring him lunch, don't do anything! Do your best to just try and forget about him. When all of the sudden you stop calling him and stuff, he'll wonder what he did, he'll miss what you guys had together, he'll want you back OR he won't.

Either way, you'll be fine. You don't need that kind drama BS in your life, I'm sure. Just chill and see what happens.
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