Blind Start of America Vol. NT Gets Votes

Jan 23, 2005
My friend works for a non-profit organization called Blind Start of America. They aid those who are blind in acquiring jobs and finding them homes, seeing thatthey are obviously disabled and disadvantaged from those more fortunate. Chase Bank is giving out $25,000 to individual non-profit organizations for a total of$5 million. Hopefully, she will get enough votes so she can get this money and help jump start the organization.

Here is the link:

Yes, it's through Facebook. Basically, you become a fan of Chase Community Giving (which you can later remove yourself from after you vote) and you areable to vote on 20 different charities that are trying to receive the $25,000 donation from Chase Bank.

I appreciate the help.
Thanks for voting! Appreciate it. Blindness is often overlooked in social program funding, so this will definitely help those who are disabled in order to bemore self sufficient.
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