Boardwalk Empire Season 5 Thread - Series Finale - Eldorado

That .gif! I've been waiting on it. I love how they completely transformed van Alden's character.
van alden's wife is wild. Saying she wanted eli to come over when her husband was gone. I want her to talk dirty to me in her accent.
Van Alden's wife was such a rider in the beginning... Where did it go wrong...
Van Alden stopped exciting her.

She pretty low to reveal that in front of Eli's preggo wife. I thought it was one thing for her to insinuate Eli come over so he can pipe where she was just trying to insult Van Alden but she was really trying to make Eli remember he already smashed :lol:

Eli's an alcoholic.
I thought Chalky was gonna be killed when he was creeping through the brothel. Is the Chalky's child or Narcisse's?

How did they find a dude looks exactly like a young Steve Buscemi lol
Young Nucky's real name is Marc Pickering

I still think that kid who was number 9 when Doyle picked him is Darmody's son. He just switched his name. He's in every Doyle scene now and shots sometimes linger on him. That's just my opinion of course
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The show was conceived to be about Jimmy, a fictional character in a historical fiction world filled with real people.

Then Michael Pitt turned out to be a **** so they killed him off, shrugged at each other in the writer's room and were like "I guess now we focus the whole thing on the least interesting character in the show?" (Nucky.)
Idk, kind of sounds like DuckTales to me. 
Yeah S1 I never got the feeling this show was gonna be Jimmy's story.

I mean to make it sound like Pitt was an a-hole so they killed him off when it took multiple seasons to write him out of the show instead of just killing me kinda points to the writers always having a plan.

Jimmy got his turn along with Margaret, then it focused it bit on Nucky and Eli betraying him, then it transitioned to focusing hard on Harrow and Chalky, they got their turn then back on to Nucky now. The shows basically been Nucky Thompson mirroring Nucky Johnson with a supporting cast of fictional characters with real life characters moving things along.
Jimmy at the time was the only main character who was completely fictional and not based on a historical figure. He was also the only actor besides Steve Buscemi who appeared in every episode.

They also kept playing up how neither of them had father figures and Nucky who lost his wife craved a son and Jimmy craved a dad. The show was obviously about Jimmy and by association Nucky and his world seen through Jimmy's rise.

Go back and read the season 1 show previews and subsequent reviews.

Then things took a bad turn...

They didn't take more than one season to decide to kill him off... The showrunner himself said they hadn't decided it until episode 9 of season 2:

Michael Pitt didn't even know his character was getting killed off cuz they'd planned to feature him much more. Dude's emailed him to tell him he was off the show. Didn't even tell him to his face, then tried to say it was because of poor cell reception:

His own talent agency fired him during season 2 when he was rumored to be having problems on the set of Boardwalk:

Then there's this:

Hardly ducktales.
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The show was conceived to be about Jimmy, a fictional character in a historical fiction world filled with real people.

Then Michael Pitt turned out to be a **** so they killed him off, shrugged at each other in the writer's room and were like "I guess now we focus the whole thing on the least interesting character in the show?" (Nucky.)
Idk, kind of sounds like DuckTales to me. 
Yeah S1 I never got the feeling this show was gonna be Jimmy's story.

I mean to make it sound like Pitt was an a-hole so they killed him off when it took multiple seasons to write him out of the show instead of just killing me kinda points to the writers always having a plan.

Jimmy got his turn along with Margaret, then it focused it bit on Nucky and Eli betraying him, then it transitioned to focusing hard on Harrow and Chalky, they got their turn then back on to Nucky now. The shows basically been Nucky Thompson mirroring Nucky Johnson with a supporting cast of fictional characters with real life characters moving things along.
Jimmy at the time was the only main character who was completely fictional and not based on a historical figure. He was also the only actor besides Steve Buscemi who appeared in every episode.

They also kept playing up how neither of them had father figures and Nucky who lost his wife craved a son and Jimmy craved a dad. The show was obviously about Jimmy and by association Nucky and his world seen through Jimmy's rise.

Go back and read the season 1 show previews and subsequent reviews.

Then things took a bad turn...

They didn't take more than one season to decide to kill him off... The showrunner himself said they hadn't decided it until episode 9 of season 2:

Michael Pitt didn't even know his character was getting killed off cuz they'd planned to feature him much more. Dude's emailed him to tell him he was off the show. Didn't even tell him to his face, then tried to say it was because of poor cell reception:

His own talent agency fired him during season 2 when he was rumored to be having problems on the set of Boardwalk:

Then there's this:

Hardly ducktales.
From the jump I always saw this as Nucky's show. His story. It only seems after the fact that ppl are trying to play up this change in direction cuz of Pitt being hard to work with.

Didn't recall much of this talk in the threads as things went on season by season. There's no denying Jimmy was prominently featured at the start but as things went on like I've said they told his fictional story and then went on to tell other fictional character's stories. Did it without a hitch too. So it doesn't matter that he and Nucky had things in common. Those are just story telling elements. That isn't evidence that the show was originally about him.

Also isn't Schroeder completely fictional as well?

I'm not really arguing whether Pitt is an a-hole or if he got killed off cuz he's an a-hole. It doesn't matter if he didn't know Jimmy was being killed off. I'm basically talking about Boardwalk Empire being Nucky Thompson's story. It was always his story. My whole this is I never watched this show and got the feeling Boardwalk Empire was about Jimmy.

Look at the theme music opening. You gonna tell me it was originally Jimmy in those scenes and they changed that too?
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It was being written as Nucky's story told through the rise of Jimmy alongside him. Then they changed the trajectory of the show. The fact that they were the only two character's whose stories were followed every episode shows that.

Opening montages don't really mean anything, we know that. I don't really have stake in this argument just presenting evidence.

Like I said, if you go back and read TV reviews and recaps of the episodes you can see a lot of writers picked up on Jimmy's importance.

it's also why his death felt rushed and kind of cheap. They wanted to get him the **** up out of there.

A lot of the things Nucky did leading up to and including that weren't true to the character they'd built.
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I never got the feeling the show was supposed to be about Jimmy.  Hell, wasn't the original title Nucky's Town?

The current title even still suggests that Nucky has always been the central character
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I mean... go back and watch the show.

Michael Pitt had more on-screen time than Buscemi and Jimmy's character was the focal point of the show. Add in that literally every character on the show revolved around Jimmy or were introduced by him in some way and many if not most barely if ever even meet Nucky... Then consider that most of the pivotal events of the first two seasons of the show were either caused or ended by Jimmy as well, then yeah Jimmy was the main character.

If you disagree, then at the very least he was the 2nd most important character if not every bit as important as Nucky.
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It was being written as Nucky's story told through the rise of Jimmy alongside him. Then they changed the trajectory of the show. The fact that they were the only two character's whose stories were followed every episode shows that.

Opening montages don't really mean anything, we know that. I don't really have stake in this argument just presenting evidence.

Like I said, if you go back and read TV reviews and recaps of the episodes you can see a lot of writers picked up on Jimmy's importance.

it's also why his death felt rushed and kind of cheap. They wanted to get him the **** up out of there.

A lot of the things Nucky did leading up to and including that weren't true to the character they'd built.
That means before S1 even aired they were changing **** up for S2. I think it's more like Jimmy had his turn then the subsequent fictional had theirs (Harrow, Chalky, Margaret, and that's really been it all in between Nucky getting the focus).

Again I'm not saying Jimmy wasn't important. I'm sure back then his name was brought up a lot in where the show was going with the story they were telling at the time. I'm just saying going off the beginning of the first season nothing about it made me think this was Jimmy's story.

The opening is not a montage. It's the damn theme opener for the show. It hasn't changed for 5 seasons. It's specifically shows Nucky and Nucky only on a AC beach with liquor bottles washing up on the shore. Of all types of tv openers this wasn't is specifically focusing on the main character and telling you this is about him. That's just one reason for me to say this story was about Nucky Thompson before we even get to the story since we're talking about all these behind the scene changes where the show was about Jimmy and not Nucky.

Jimmy's death didn't feel rushed or cheap to me. This again seems like the type of the complaints after the fact from fans of Jimmy that didn't want him to die. I remember the season thread and even among ppl who disliked it there wasn't cries of it being rushed or cheap. Jimmy died on the season finale. That whole season led up to his failure to be a boss, the reveal he banged his moms, the death of his wife, and ended with him making peace with Nuck, where Nuck then ended his life and entered the realm of being a full time gangster thematically.

I'm not clear on what things you're saying weren't true to the character. If you mean Nucky Thompson based off of Nucky Johnson I'd say the creators from the beginning have been stressing that they're not the same person, just one is based off the other so that they could leave the door open to do w/e they want like make Nucky a bit of a gangster and kill Jimmy among other ppl that season and after.

If you disagree, then at the very least he was the 2nd most important character if not every bit as important as Nucky.
I can agree he was the 2nd most important until he died and then he wasn't anymore. Story then effortlessly moved on to making Chalky prominent and 2nd to Nucky.
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Young sheriff Nucky looks crazy as hell [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
Ol big teeth havin Bol lookin funny af
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