Book Club...What are you reading?

Give me the damn ball and reread Jordan rules and I also read that Detroit lions book I forget the name def a good read

Great book.. Goes through almost like a diary of Malcolm's life. You see why Malcolm transformed into a political leader and began to distance himself from the Nation of Islam far before he was kicked out. You learn insights about his personal life. Also you get to see how much shady **** Elijah Muhammad and other Nation of Islam officers did to Malcolm from the late 50s all the way to his assassination. Also the book debunks half-truths in The Autobiography of Malcolm X and Spike Lee's Malcolm X.

The only problem is when dealing with Malcolm's assassination, he asserts that those who were incarcerated were not the real killers. He then uses a bunch of research to figure out who actually did it. It becomes speculative. But if you want a great book about Malcolm and learn more unfiltered things about him, this is a great book
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Why Children Succeed - books you read when you become a parent

Automotive Technology - automotive class I'm taking.

I always have to be reading something, right now on 2 books.
About to finish up on mastery by robert greene, and gonna jump back into World War Z after
So for those of you who have read Mastery...what's your take on it?

Let's say compared to his other books....

I still prefer reading The Art of Seduction...even to this day I still go back weekly and revisit my notes.
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