BORDEAUX 7S JULY 18th 2015

which one of these retailers double boxes? anyone know? The last pair I copped was from NDC and they double box, but i heard they dont sell Js online anymore. thanks in advance
put in the foot work but struck out in the rigged raffles so i'm bout to head to my local mall in my little hype beast town where just about every retro sells out instantly & no release can be over looked so i hope i have some luck #ready4whateva 
 the mall i went to has five retail spots for adults sz.'s &  a ladies & kids FTL.200 hundred people showed up about 20 of those were women & children.i needed a men's sz.10 i was 100th in line & all stores were sold out some major BS.
this fight 
34 st releases are like a zoo

Its not worth the trouble to camp out for box price anymore in nyc

If you really want a shoe pay a mom and pop mark up or pay resell

5 years ago no one wanted this colorway within the past 3 years its become too much trouble to buy shoes unless you pay alot more or have a hook up.
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34 st releases are like a zoo

Its not worth the trouble to camp out for box price anymore

If you really want a shoe pay a mom and pop or pay resell

5 years ago no one wanted this colorway now & within the past 2 years its become too much trouble to buy shoes unless you pay alot more or have a hook up.
I wonder how the releases are elsewhere in the city. I knew 34th and 42nd was bad but what about in other areas that dont have as many people attending? I live close to the Cross County mall but have never been up there for a release.
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