Boss at work leaked every employee's pay rate.

i always lie and tell my coworkers i get paid the base minimum. i wouldnt even be mad if a list like that came about.

if you're not working hard and showing them then you're not gonna get that raise/bonus.
Originally Posted by crcballer55

Originally Posted by PharelFor3

This is what pisses me off about my job. I know I make less then everyone at my job by far but they wont even consider giving me a raise becasue of economic reasons. I wish the other emplyees knew what I made. Maybe they's feel bad for me. lol
How do you know it's not because they can't afford to pay you more?  Maybe in order to do so it would require them giving less to someone else.  In this job environment when 20 people apply for a single position, just be happy you have a job.  If you don't like it, you can always try to go and start your own business.

I know because the girl who had the position before me (a real brown noser) get's poaid $1 more per hour. Then when I came up for my yearly review, they told me that since I started as part time, I would have to make fulltime a year befor eI can see a raise. Mind you, the girl who worked before me (and now is the secratary) received a raise as a part-timer. I just hit my year and they told me they'll do it at my review in July. What the hell?This is the type of shenaningans that go on. It's not about the money, but moreso the principle. If you say something like that to me, then at least be honest instead of changing things up when they want. I'm sorry, i'm not a brown noser and that is why as long as I work here, i'll be pissed off.

If you can go through the pay discrepancies and find a common theme of a particular race, age, religion, or gender being paid unequally throughout the ranks, then you can report the company to the EEOC.
This happen at my old job. The dude who told all the employees about the leak was fired and the rest who viewed the document were put on final warnings.
Originally Posted by RealRubirosa

If you can go through the pay discrepancies and find a common theme of a particular race, age, religion, or gender being paid unequally throughout the ranks, then you can report the company to the EEOC.

Good point!
I always thought the notion of not knowing what your co-workers make is silly and driven by major corporations to keep salaries down.

Is that is what is surprising?

Everybody gets paid different to do the same job because no one likes to share that information, it is faux pas to discuss.  We all know what millionaires make, and what athletes make (public record) and it drives their market.

If I was in your shoes I would take the valuable information you received and use it to your advantage.  If you feel you are doing more than "X" and now you know "X" gets paid more than you do, it will be easier to ask for that raise.

Corporate America has successfully managed to turn everyone into mindless drones.

You know why they make you sign that paper so YOU won't share your salary figure, they don't want people to compete for a higher salary.

Think about it, keepings salary info a secret benefits who?
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