Bow ! Bow ! bow! bow! souldier boy, really a soldier? vid included

The crazy part about all of this is that some people are actually taking him serious. Had this pro black page I follow on Instagram try to make sense of what Soulja said during the "yall support Nintendo" portion of the interview. Had to ask all of those "woke" people where their Soulja Watches, Consoles, Headphones etc at and got crickets :lol:
Posting this for the people that havent seen it yet. Tech gurus breaking down Soulja products. Big Draco scamming hard with this mess. :lol:

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I can't stand this dude's old music, I laughed when people clowned on that video when he got beat up, and I believe he started a garbage viral fade. But damn, I respect, even admire his confidence and grind and he backed up almost EVERY claim that he made in that interview. Dude literally paved the way for viral music videos and everyone forgot about that. Also, I'm glad he's not trying to act overly tough like alot of these "drill' artists these days.
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