Brazilian Jiu Jitsu/Muay Thai

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

question for OP

were you a heavy (ie. fat/chubby) kid before getting into it?

I've been wanting to get into it myself, for the exercise aspect (i could stand to lose some lbs, and i hate doing not sport related exercise) but also to get a better technical understanding of the sport itself. I just wish I had the time (and money) to dedicate to training.

illphillip - I don't know much about BJJ schools, but does Garcia actually teach at his NY school? That's pretty awesome if he does, just to be around someone of his caliber.
I wouldn't say I was fat/chubby but I was out of shape and needed to loose some pounds I'm 27 6'0 when I first started I weighed about 225 I am currently down to 205 and dropping. I am in the process of dropping more weight for the Pan Am's in LA. Jiu Jitsu has definitely taught me alot about myself but at the end of the day it's Heart....You gotta have heart and tell your self you can do this becuase it is definitely a challenge, try it out find a local school to see if they offer a free courses I know schools usually do a weeks or two of free classes so you can try it out. Go for it!

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

question for OP

were you a heavy (ie. fat/chubby) kid before getting into it?

I've been wanting to get into it myself, for the exercise aspect (i could stand to lose some lbs, and i hate doing not sport related exercise) but also to get a better technical understanding of the sport itself. I just wish I had the time (and money) to dedicate to training.

illphillip - I don't know much about BJJ schools, but does Garcia actually teach at his NY school? That's pretty awesome if he does, just to be around someone of his caliber.
I wouldn't say I was fat/chubby but I was out of shape and needed to loose some pounds I'm 27 6'0 when I first started I weighed about 225 I am currently down to 205 and dropping. I am in the process of dropping more weight for the Pan Am's in LA. Jiu Jitsu has definitely taught me alot about myself but at the end of the day it's Heart....You gotta have heart and tell your self you can do this becuase it is definitely a challenge, try it out find a local school to see if they offer a free courses I know schools usually do a weeks or two of free classes so you can try it out. Go for it!

man, i'de love to learn muay thai but i lack funds, and time, and there no location near me that teaches that
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

question for OP

were you a heavy (ie. fat/chubby) kid before getting into it?

I've been wanting to get into it myself, for the exercise aspect (i could stand to lose some lbs, and i hate doing not sport related exercise) but also to get a better technical understanding of the sport itself. I just wish I had the time (and money) to dedicate to training.

illphillip - I don't know much about BJJ schools, but does Garcia actually teach at his NY school? That's pretty awesome if he does, just to be around someone of his caliber.
Apparently Marcelo is there and teaching ALL THE TIME. I've gotten feedback from friends of friends who are HEAVY into BJJ and they say it's one of the few schools where the head instructor is present a lot of the time. 
Like, you won't see Renzo much at his school. But it's still a great %!!%+%! school and the instructors are top notch. But I hear it's crowded. They also lock you into 3 month packages, which sucks, because I travel, and may not be there for a month that I'm paying for. 

Also checking out Vitor "Shaolin" Ribiero's school. 
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

question for OP

were you a heavy (ie. fat/chubby) kid before getting into it?

I've been wanting to get into it myself, for the exercise aspect (i could stand to lose some lbs, and i hate doing not sport related exercise) but also to get a better technical understanding of the sport itself. I just wish I had the time (and money) to dedicate to training.

illphillip - I don't know much about BJJ schools, but does Garcia actually teach at his NY school? That's pretty awesome if he does, just to be around someone of his caliber.
Apparently Marcelo is there and teaching ALL THE TIME. I've gotten feedback from friends of friends who are HEAVY into BJJ and they say it's one of the few schools where the head instructor is present a lot of the time. 
Like, you won't see Renzo much at his school. But it's still a great %!!%+%! school and the instructors are top notch. But I hear it's crowded. They also lock you into 3 month packages, which sucks, because I travel, and may not be there for a month that I'm paying for. 

Also checking out Vitor "Shaolin" Ribiero's school. 
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by I3

When you learn Muay Thai etc.. do you have to spar with people?

I'd love to try the training and reap the conditioning, but im too scared to fight lol

yes, you spar. part of training. it's easy to hit punching bags and the air, but you get no practice from dodging/blocking punches unless you spar.

plus you learn to take a hit.
possibly the funnest part (no bjj but boxed a little)
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by I3

When you learn Muay Thai etc.. do you have to spar with people?

I'd love to try the training and reap the conditioning, but im too scared to fight lol

yes, you spar. part of training. it's easy to hit punching bags and the air, but you get no practice from dodging/blocking punches unless you spar.

plus you learn to take a hit.
possibly the funnest part (no bjj but boxed a little)
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