BREAKING: Actor-comedian Robin Williams Found Dead

The percentage of people that have bad side effects from SSRIs (antidepressants) is EXTREMELY low.  They're the most prescribed class of pharmaceuticals in the country.  If these pills were a legitimate danger, suicide rates would be staggering.

For every one person that has a bad experience with SSRIs there are hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of people that receive an immense benefit from them.  I took Zoloft for almost two years and I can honestly say it saved my life.

The percentage of people that have bad side effects from SSRIs (antidepressants) is EXTREMELY low.  They're the most prescribed class of pharmaceuticals in the country.  If these pills were a legitimate danger, suicide rates would be staggering.

For every one person that has a bad experience with SSRIs there are hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of people that receive an immense benefit from them.  I took Zoloft for almost two years and I can honestly say it saved my life.
I'm sorry, but with the amount of criticism these medications get I feel like someone has to set the record straight.

If that "sometimes" is 0.001% of the time, that "sometimes" isn't really a point worth bringing up.
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I do believe it is selfish for anyone especially someone like Robin who has touched so many lives through his comedic gift to take his own life especially the way he did but the fact that he felt as if this was his only option really makes me upset. Was there no one he can talk to? Was there not a bright spot through all the darkness he may have been going through? His children? I mean...why Robin? Why did you leave this earth like this? :frown:
but it's not selfish to want someone to continue mentally suffering because of how many people have seen his movies and stand ups?
Don't know if this was posted yet, but this was such a great scene.  Really need to go back and watch Good Will Hunting again.  Great date movie. 

but it's not selfish to want someone to continue mentally suffering because of how many people have seen his movies and stand ups?

So the solution to end your suffering even though you've achieved and done things people could only dream of doing and you possess a gift many others wish they had is to end your own life prematurely? I stated earlier though, I'm uneducated when it comes to depression and how severe it can become but you never want anyone, especially someone of Robin Williams' merit to go out the way he did.
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but it's not selfish to want someone to continue mentally suffering because of how many people have seen his movies and stand ups?
So the solution to end your suffering even though you've achieved and done things people could only dream of doing and you possess a gift many others wish they had is to end your own life prematurely? I stated earlier though, I'm uneducated when it comes to depression and how severe it can become but you never want anyone, especially someone of Robin Williams merit to go out the way he did.
No one wanted Robin Williams to go out the way he did, but no one here is in a position to accurately assess what was going on in his life or in his own mind that led him to the choice he made.

If you're admittedly uneducated about a topic, the best course of action is to keep your opinions to yourself and ask constructive questions.  Blind criticisms will only reinforce your own ignorance.
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but it's not selfish to want someone to continue mentally suffering because of how many people have seen his movies and stand ups?

So the solution to end your suffering even though you've achieved and done things people could only dream of doing and you possess a gift many others wish they had is to end your own life prematurely? I stated earlier though, I'm uneducated when it comes to depression and how severe it can become but you never want anyone, especially someone of Robin Williams' merit to go out the way he did.
I'll take that as yes, it is selfish. Do I think he should of killed himself? No, but the reason I don't think he should of has nothing to do with making other people happy.
but it's not selfish to want someone to continue mentally suffering because of how many people have seen his movies and stand ups?

So the solution to end your suffering even though you've achieved and done things people could only dream of doing and you possess a gift many others wish they had is to end your own life prematurely? I stated earlier though, I'm uneducated when it comes to depression and how severe it can become but you never want anyone, especially someone of Robin Williams' merit to go out the way he did.

If you look at it another way, it's amazing he was able to accomplish as much as he did while battling his ailment. ****, a lot of people can't even function with depression. So for him to be able to touch so many lives is truly amazing.
but it's not selfish to want someone to continue mentally suffering because of how many people have seen his movies and stand ups?

So the solution to end your suffering even though you've achieved and done things people could only dream of doing and you possess a gift many others wish they had is to end your own life prematurely? I stated earlier though, I'm uneducated when it comes to depression and how severe it can become but you never want anyone, especially someone of Robin Williams' merit to go out the way he did.

You think its selfish of someone to talk their own life because they have a gift and youre upset that you no longer get to experience such a gift? Thats pretty selfish of you.
This discussion hits pretty close to home with me.  Not just because I suffer from depression... it's more due to the fact that I was dating a girl whose sister committed suicide.  Rather than trying to understand why her sister did what she did, she called her sister "selfish" and a "coward." 

It finally got to the point where I tried to explain to her that suicidal people are mentally ill at least 90% of the time, and that her not even taking her sister's perspective into consideration and writing it off as "cowardly" was the truly "selfish" action.

We broke up soon after. 
Clever but too soon.
Man :smh:

Just like when uncle phill died watching his work just is kinda sad now :smh:
Uncle Phil fresh prince? Really?

First James (tony soprano)

Now robin Williams.. Two legends

I think suicide involves illness but in all honesty in some strange way it's honorable and takes thinkong you can't add or go on to life after a certain point so you remove yourself...
Sad for his family such a great loss to the world
This discussion hits pretty close to home with me.  Not just because I suffer from depression... it's more due to the fact that I was dating a girl whose sister committed suicide.  Rather than trying to understand why her sister did what she did, she called her sister "selfish" and a "coward." 

It finally got to the point where I tried to explain to her that suicidal people are mentally ill at least 90% of the time, and that her not even taking her sister's perspective into consideration and writing it off as "cowardly" was the truly "selfish" action.

We broke up soon after. :lol: :smh:

YOU SUFFER FROM "DEPRESSION"???!??!!!?!!!??!!!?!?!?!??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You ain't depressed brother, you're just selfish
Conan finding out during taping:

Conan remembers Robin Williams:

Mashable's best RW Moments:

This discussion hits pretty close to home with me.  Not just because I suffer from depression... it's more due to the fact that I was dating a girl whose sister committed suicide.  Rather than trying to understand why her sister did what she did, she called her sister "selfish" and a "coward." 

It finally got to the point where I tried to explain to her that suicidal people are mentally ill at least 90% of the time, and that her not even taking her sister's perspective into consideration and writing it off as "cowardly" was the truly "selfish" action.

We broke up soon after. :lol: :smh:

YOU SUFFER FROM "DEPRESSION"???!??!!!?!!!??!!!?!?!?!??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You ain't depressed brother, you're just selfish
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:lol:. "Don't turn this thread into a blog with your thoughts. "

Proceeds by adding his own thoughts :smh:
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