Breaking Bad Thread - "El Camino" - A Breaking Bad Movie on Netflix 10/11

A few thoughts

-Lydia asks Walter if he has any kids.Seems like normal conversation. But who knows.. Possibly a foreshadowing of her holding them hostage (doing something), since she did put out a hit on Mike... Then again, she could have found out eventually without even asking him.
- Skyler continues to smoke and be reckless... Now Walt Jr. is reckless in his own behavior. Is there a tipping point in the family where something happens by their own doing?
-Hank and Gomez's conversation seemed a bit unstable at the beginning of the episode. Not to say one guy knows more than the other, but I sense something happening internally.
-Back a few episodes, when Todd told Walt and Jesse about the nanny cam, we got that impression that he was loyal.. Maybe too loyal?

What a great show. I haven't analyzed anything like this since the shield.
On another note this episode is proof of how far people in show biz will go for shock value now....they really showed a lil kid gettin popped in the dome on TV smh

Didn't The Walking Dead do it... twice?

AMC hates kids


The 3 Bald Amigos...yo



Poor Jesse man... Todd is a loose end anyway. I'd off him and bury him with the kid.

From Tumblr


>Heat on Bluray
>a movie about a heist
>where the robbers bring a new guy
>who kills someone without permission
>which starts a chain of events
>that leads to the downfall of the main character


(via williamwingers)
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I guess Walt isn't the only one who is "the danger". Todd don't give an eff. I thought he was going to be a nice kid but he's ruthless.

Walt will never live down him saying "I am the danger". I hate Skylar but she sonned him the previous week by reminding him of it. I had to chuckle at it.

Since when did Jesse get good at planning stuff? He comes up with ideas that Walt and Mike didn't think of.
Mike saying he's "out" in the preview of next week's episode pretty much tells the viewers Todd just became his replacement.
Mike saying he's "out" in the preview of next week's episode pretty much tells the viewers Todd just became his replacement.

Mike is more than just a badass thouhg. He's shown countless times that his intellect is right up there with the likes of Walt and Gus.

Todd may be "about that life" but it remains to be seen if he has the acumen to really become Mike's replacement.

Mike is more than just a badass thouhg. He's shown countless times that his intellect is right up there with the likes of Walt and Gus.

Todd may be "about that life" but it remains to be seen if he has the acumen to really become Mike's replacement.

And Mike looked like he yolk'd Todd up in that preview unless it was one of them other bald guys
It's from another show he was on. So far Todd has shown good awareness and initiative with the nanny cam.. And last night he showed he follows orders without hesitation... But he can't do the things that Mike can. Mike has a lifetime of experience, contacts and associates accumulated over the years, and he's been the most pragmatic of the group. He's a professional. Todd is just a soldier.

However, Walt clearly doesn't value or respect what Mike does so in his eyes Mike is replaceable. But it might be another example of Walts greed and ego clouding his judgment.
Either way, whether it's Todd replacing Mike or Jesse, it's going to continue to split up Walt and Jesse. If Mike exits on account of Walt then that will be the end of Jesse and Walt's relationship. And if Walt sides with Todd, Jesse is not going to like that either.
Just finished the ep... :{ @ myself...Olympics. 8o

Didn't expect a damn movie to take place. If you would've told me Riann Johnson, a film director, did an ep this season...this is the one I would've guessed. You can't find a show with as much range and versatility as BB anywhere. Not possible. That you can have such a purely psychological and emotional episode last week, and then transition to what happened this week so effortlessly...

The worst thing about Breaking Bad is that we have a definite end point in sight.
Knowing that is the only thing that limits this show.

tonights episode had me feeling like:


didnt get a chance to rewatch it yet, but

jesse and walt waved HELLO to the kid
todd waved GOODBYE to the kid

that boy a bad man :{
Oh indeed.

DAMN!! :eek

Never thought Landry had it in him :{
Yes, you did. Season 2 happened dammit!

thats very interesting thebsprky
Funny way of saying 'stop it'?

I think I watched this gif 20 times. :{

Did anyone else get the feeling that that 'good samaritan' might've been a Mike of his own, sent to check on why their shipment had stopped?
I'm just being paranoid?
I'm just being paranoid.
the entire heist scene was fantastic, but as other people have said and written today, I do think there was A LOT of "cmon...really?" in that whole sequence. how the **** do Jesse and Todd simply know how to unload all that off the train?
the entire heist scene was fantastic, but as other people have said and written today, I do think there was A LOT of "cmon...really?" in that whole sequence. how the **** do Jesse and Todd simply know how to unload all that off the train?

What? Unscrewing bolts and attaching a hose to a valve. That's all they did. I'm sure mike explained that process.
What? Unscrewing bolts and attaching a hose to a valve. That's all they did. I'm sure mike explained that process.
I guess. It just seemed like a lot of what happened was outside the realm of what Walt and Jesse would usually do. But the **** they do has gotten crazier and crazier every season so I guess it's plausible that Walt would be down for a train robbery
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I guess. It just seemed like a lot of what happened was outside the realm of what Walt and Jesse would usually do. But the **** they do has gotten crazier and crazier every season so I guess it's plausible that Walt would be down for a train robbery

Walt has made mustard gas, bombs, ricin, etc.... ain't **** he wouldn't do at this moment... well at least nothing I wouldn't put past him doing
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