Breaking Bad Thread - "El Camino" - A Breaking Bad Movie on Netflix 10/11

Lol, why wife an older chick if you can get a younger one?
How is she gold digging?
Not even trying to be funny but you sound like that dude that drives around high schools trying to talk to them jail bait chicks cuz it's easier to get them then the ones his age.

How many chicks you know talk to dudes 10+ years older then them that's not in his pockets?
That's an incredibly ignorant assumption.

You answered none of my questions.

She's 39. I don't think a 10 year age difference is that big of a deal when you're almost into your forties.

What does your last question have to do with Skylar?

You act as if she got with him because he had that cake.

She married him when he didn't have stacks and she even went back to work to pay for his cancer bills.

Walt gives her the money to launder so how is she gold digging?

She even told him not to buy flashy stuff so no one suspects that he's doing something illegal.

I don't see how you can say those things without giving some sort of proof.

That's an incredibly ignorant assumption.
You answered none of my questions.
She's 39. I don't think a 10 year age difference is that big of a deal when you're almost into your forties.

What does your last question have to do with Skylar?
You act as if she got with him because he had that cake.
She married him when he didn't have stacks and she even went back to work to pay for his cancer bills.
Walt gives her the money to launder so how is she gold digging?
She even told him not to buy flashy stuff so no one suspects that he's doing something illegal.
I don't see how you can say those things without giving some sort of proof.
bold? Yes ignorant? No. And I did answer your last question it just so happen to be with another question :lol see the problem is you assumed I've been talking about from the start of the show, you are wrong I'm talking about since they got together. Hope that paints a better picture on why I made the comments I made if not the math is there do it.
Does anyone else feel that BB has had it's "happy" ending?

I feel that this new season is an unrealistic add-on. I use that phrase loosely.

I do like where Vince is heading with this season, but I think I'm going to like season 4's finale much more than I will season 5's finale.

I know it may be too early to say that, but given the fact that Vince has said that Walt will do something so unforgivable, that statement makes me think that.

Another reason why is because in season 4 Walt showed his last ounce(maybe) of goodness when he saved his family.

In this season it looks like he's lost his family.

I don't understand how Walt can continue to make meth given how smart he is. His ego didn't even convince him to start cooking meth when Gus tried to get him to cook again. I don't see how his ego is realistically convincing Walt to keep getting deeper and deeper into the game.

Just my thoughts.
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bold? Yes ignorant? No. And I did answer your last question it just so happen to be with another question
see the problem is you assumed I've been talking about from the start of the show, you are wrong I'm talking about since they got together. Hope that paints a better picture on why I made the comments I made if not the math is there do it.
Skylar's a mature woman so I don't see how that motivated you to make an assumption about jail bait.

You can't answer a question with a question. That defeats the purpose of asking one. Okay, what are your examples of Skylar's gold digging since they got back together? Like I said before, you're not providing any proof to your statements.
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Walt killed the king to save himself... but he wants the crown now too.

There's a lot of factors in play for Walt. He's had the taste of power that he never had in his entire life. He went from a weakened man in a dead end life and given a death sentence with his cancer. By making the meth he's realized the money, the power, and the respect he can gain.. things he never had before and he won't just give it up. Plus the cancer has gone away for the time being, but it could still return (and judging by the flashforward in the premiere, it does return). So in Walt's mind, he's not going to go back to his normal life when he could still die very soon. That also gives him more reason to push the envelope and take more chances. In his mind, the clock might be ticking on his life anyway.. so there's no holding back.

And it looks like Walt has lost his family.. but he hasn't really lost them. Up until Skylar went into the pool, he was still trying to convince her that things would get back to normal and better. Even now.. Walt probably sees his family problems as only temporary.

I do agree that the season 4 finale was great, but that's also because it was meant to serve as a series finale just in case. Most season finales won't give you that kind of conclusion or satisfaction because they know there's more story to tell.. so they can still leave things open or set it up for the next season. My only concern is how difficult it is to pull off a truly great series finale because only a few dramas have done it exceptionally well. Personally, I don't put as much pressure on the finale as others do. I don't always want them to go for the home run, sometimes just getting on base is good enough.

The season 4 finale was tremendous because it showed us not only how far Walt was willing to go.. but how successful and capable he was to actually execute it. Trying to kill Gus and poisoning a child is one thing, actually doing it means something far greater. If the season 4 finale gave us Walt finally breaking bad all the way.. he stopped being half a gangster (to quote Boardwalk Empire).. then the series finale might give us his punishment. Gilligan has said a major theme of the show is that actions have consequences. At this point I think we see Walt consolidate his empire and get his moment as the king by the end of part 1.. and when we come back next season his empire will unravel and we'll see his downward spiral.
I wouldn't call Gus a king since he had to play kiss *** to the cartel. That besides the point. By power do you mean money or something else? I see but as Walt gets himself deeper into cooking meth, he's also putting his family at risk. As you said, the clock might be ticking on his life, but he's making damn sure that his family has a clock of their own.

I agree with that. This situation is also why I gave more respect to Skylar because she's aware that she and her family are in danger as long as Walt cooks meth.

I see what you mean and I can agree with that.

That's what I'm guessing will happen. It's kind of sickening to me that Walt can have a clear conscious of all the wrongs he's did to "support" his family. I also don't see how he thinks he deserves to live a happy life with his family after all the lives his actions have ruined. Gale, Combo, Badger(kind of), Hank, and that little kid. If Skylar somehow learns about at least one of lives Walt has ruined to get to where he is I hope she asks him something like this"Why do you deserve to be with this family after all the ills you've done? What makes you think you can still be a father that can be looked up to or loved?"
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Gus didn't exactly play kiss *** to the cartel when he poisoned and killed them all. He was the top dog in the drug business in that area and once he wiped out the cartel, he didn't answer to anyone.

By power I mean exactly that... Power. Walts cooking gives him money, the respect (due to the quality of the product), and he's gone up against seriously dangerous guys and came out on top. He has power over Jesse, over his family that he lacked before, and over his own life and future.

We have no indication that Walt has a clear conscious.. He probably sees everything he's done as completely necessary. In his mind he HAD to do all these things to protect his family and provide them with a future. Then once he got a taste, he couldn't go back.
Who says you can't have something in common with a chick 11 years younger than you? That's still within your generation. There can be a lot to have in common if we're talking about a relationship.

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Now I understand what you mean by power. I agree that he has power over his life, but I disagree when you said that he has power over Jesse or his family. Jesse's been manipulated by Walt to help him. I don't see manipulation as power, but a lack of it. In TDKR when Bane tells one of his followers to stay in the plane to die that is one of the ultimate displays of power of another person. IMO Walt has not displayed any type of power over Jesse that is even remotely similar or comparable to that. In regards to his family, I think that Skylar is the only one that truely has power over the family since she knows telling them the truth will make whatever influence or power that Walt thinks he has on the family crumble.

Why I think that Walt has a clear conscious is when he was groping Skylar and telling her that all the things they do or will do is for the family. That to me is what Walt uses to justify his ills so he doesn't have to have to morally think about the bad decisions that he had or will have to make.
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But Bane doesn't convince him to kill himself using his strength or by force, he simply tells him it has to be done and the guy obeys. Bane convinced him of their plan and their unquestionable allegiance.. Is that not the act of manipulation? Just because Jesse wouldn't kill himself by Walt's orders doesn't mean Walt is powerless.. Sure, that's an extreme show of power, but it's almost too extreme. Walt has convinced Jesse to murder, to turn on Gus, that he wasn't responsible for the poisoning, to continue cooking, to break up with his girlfriend.. Anything he needs from him, he can achieve.. Short of suicide perhaps.. Manipulation is power.. One of the most dangerous forms too because it doesn't need strength or money, but ideas. Back to the Bane example, when Daggett tells Bane he gave him money and resources, Bane puts his hand on him and asks "and that gives you power over me? " Bane's physical strength is his power there.. But his true strength is those who follow him. He didn't force those men or make them follow, he convinced them through the ideas and ideology.

Skylar knows if she tells the family the truth everything will be destroyed.. Not just Walt. She's an accomplice too. That's not having power as much as mutually assured destruction. If she had an out.. She would have taken it. Like she said, all she can do now is wait.
Does anyone else feel that BB has had it's "happy" ending?
I feel that this new season is an unrealistic add-on. I use that phrase loosely.
I do like where Vince is heading with this season, but I think I'm going to like season 4's finale much more than I will season 5's finale.
I know it may be too early to say that, but given the fact that Vince has said that Walt will do something so unforgivable, that statement makes me think that.
Another reason why is because in season 4 Walt showed his last ounce(maybe) of goodness when he saved his family.
In this season it looks like he's lost his family.
I don't understand how Walt can continue to make meth given how smart he is. His ego didn't even convince him to start cooking meth when Gus tried to get him to cook again. I don't see how his ego is realistically convincing Walt to keep getting deeper and deeper into the game.
Just my thoughts.

Good post. Repped.
Eh...season 4 tied up the Gus Fring story arc. The Walter White story arc is far from done. The show has always been about his journey from good to bad. Walt's not supposed to be an antihero by the time this series is over. Jesse might be the only character that has a chance but for Walt, there won't be a happy ending :smokin
Those are good points and you're right. Walt has power over Jesse.

I also agree with your last paragraph.
I wouldn't call Gus a king since he had to play kiss *** to the cartel. That besides the point. By power do you mean money or something else? I see but as Walt gets himself deeper into cooking meth, he's also putting his family at risk. As you said, the clock might be ticking on his life, but he's making damn sure that his family has a clock of their own.

I agree with that. This situation is also why I gave more respect to Skylar because she's aware that she and her family are in danger as long as Walt cooks meth.

I see what you mean and I can agree with that.

That's what I'm guessing will happen. It's kind of sickening to me that Walt can have a clear conscious of all the wrongs he's did to "support" his family. I also don't see how he thinks he deserves to live a happy life with his family after all the lives his actions have ruined. Gale, Combo, Badger(kind of), Hank, and that little kid. If Skylar somehow learns about at least one of lives Walt has ruined to get to where he is I hope she asks him something like this"Why do you deserve to be with this family after all the ills you've done? What makes you think you can still be a father that can be looked up to or loved?"

man she got them goons (:lol) to run in Ted's crib and he ended up screwed for life and launders drug money...she not gone come at Walt like that bruh bruh.
But Bane doesn't convince him to kill himself using his strength or by force, he simply tells him it has to be done and the guy obeys. Bane convinced him of their plan and their unquestionable allegiance.. Is that not the act of manipulation? Just because Jesse wouldn't kill himself by Walt's orders doesn't mean Walt is powerless.. Sure, that's an extreme show of power, but it's almost too extreme. Walt has convinced Jesse to murder, to turn on Gus, that he wasn't responsible for the poisoning, to continue cooking, to break up with his girlfriend.. Anything he needs from him, he can achieve.. Short of suicide perhaps.. Manipulation is power.. One of the most dangerous forms too because it doesn't need strength or money, but ideas. Back to the Bane example, when Daggett tells Bane he gave him money and resources, Bane puts his hand on him and asks "and that gives you power over me? " Bane's physical strength is his power there.. But his true strength is those who follow him. He didn't force those men or make them follow, he convinced them through the ideas and ideology.

Skylar knows if she tells the family the truth everything will be destroyed.. Not just Walt. She's an accomplice too. That's not having power as much as mutually assured destruction. If she had an out.. She would have taken it. Like she said, all she can do now is wait.
I don't think it's manipulation if the person actually believes in what Bane is selling. That comes down to their choice. If he had been suggesting things and orchestrating events for a specific outcome in order to get that person's loyalty, that'd be manipulation.

Convincing dudes of his plan and getting life risking allegiance is just his power over them through another means.

Look at Tyler Durden in Fight Club, that whole secret that turned in to a grueling boot camp underground terrorist operation wasn't manipulation directly. All those dudes bought in to the fight club and believed w/e was being spewed by Tyler because of his actions (stuff like getting to keep the basement space when facing the bar owner) and his reasons for why he started the club. Once they bought in to that he had power over them without manipulating them imo, it was only after when he brought in the extra activities where they were somewhat of a cult.
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