Breaking Bad Thread - "El Camino" - A Breaking Bad Movie on Netflix 10/11

Walt is the cheap shot king. All the people he's ever killed, he's never done it face to face or looked in their eyes
you cant teach unpredictability 





the twins




my dude still reigns supreme 
So...Um...My mistake... :wow: Guess it wasn't a blown off face...Thought it was when they showed it for a split second:


Anyone know what to make of it?

If you take a quick glance it does kinda look like that though. :lol: the cowboy hat looks like a mouth & nose and the baby's pacifier looks like an eyeball.
I think the tarantula jar is going to make a appearance in the show again. it might be the tipping point of walter white.
they use the most simple sounds so perfectly.

-clock ticking during dinner with skylar and jesse

-swings swinging while cops look at mikes car

it always brings the emotion out in the scene.
My dude Walt reminds me of Alonso from Training Day :smokin

And that opening scene was :x not corny in the slightest
anyone know what the pictures of mike hank was looking at during his group meeting? seems like something clicked and then the boss called hanks name.
From the AV Club

While Mike endures the DEA tearing through his house (and how disappointed does Hank seem that he doesn’t get to use the battering ram on Mike’s door?), he watches Fritz Lang’s 
The Big Heat
, in which, among other things, a crime syndicate unravels when a homicide detective doubts an official verdict of suicide, and finds out the dead man had been living well beyond his means.

couple observations in no particular order:

mike's lawyer doing the drop with the money was totally forshadowing his own demise...the first scene at the bank he brought the lady i believe cookies with just a bit of BACON in them...second scene with the cake pops contain PIG pops

you people think walt went with the intention to kill mike? i questioned it after thinking of the entire scene...walt gradually becomes heated during the exchange of words wit mike, buttt as mike walks away to his car for the last time, we see walt walk back to his car to retrieve the gun...if walt went with the intent to kill mike just like that, wouldn't you think he would have the gun on him?
but walt and jesse were never in mexico together.
where ever it was tuco took them idk

Having been kidnapped by a crazed Tuco, Walt and Jesse are held prisoner by him in a desert shack where he often hides out and takes care of his sick uncle. Walt's brother-in-law Hank and the DEA have rolled Tuco's entire organization, and Tuco thinks that one of his associates may have been a source of information. Walt unsuccessfully tries to feed Tuco the poison he prepared. Hank, meanwhile, takes a bit of time off to look for Walt. Skyler is sick with worry and has been distributing handbills with Walt's photo. Hank remembers that Jesse Pinkman was Walt's source of marijuana and tries to track him down. Tuco's mute wheelchair-bound uncle alerts him to the fact that his prisoners are up to something, and it looks like he's going to kill Jesse. Hank shows up looking for Jesse, and is confronted by Tuco

point being , hank shooting tuco= very convenient 

in a sense it has to be to work , thats why i dont really try

to nitpick it 
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Tough to see my man Mike go. :smh:

What he brought to the show was incredible.

smh @ this idiot Walt. for being so damn genius in certain situations and being so damn idiotic and emotional in others.
Tough to see my man Mike go. :smh:
What he brought to the show was incredible.
smh @ this idiot Walt. for being so damn genius in certain situations and being so damn idiotic and emotional in others.

That speech Mike gave summed it up about his pride and ego. That's what all of this is about at this point.

Look how he was at the meeting. You know who I am. Say my name.

He officially went to the dark side when he killed Gus.
Walt definitely wanted to kill Mike. He was pretending to feel guilty once he saw that Mike wasn't dead yet but that was just the Heisenberg acting again. You can see how jealous Walt got of the loyalty Jesse had for Mike. He had Lydia as his backup plan and he knew it all along so he saw the opportunity to kill Mike and finish him

Who was he pretending for? The birds?

And he wasn't jealous of Jesse and Mike. He didn't want him to get him from under his thumb.

Which he did, because he convinced Jesse to quit and gave him an out.
Semi-related to Breaking Bad

I had a dream that me, Walt, and Mike held up one of those truck stop/gas station places and got away on a charter bus.

"You're my boy Mike!" *Will Ferrell voice*
That speech Mike gave summed it up about his pride and ego. That's what all of this is about at this point.
Look how he was at the meeting. You know who I am. Say my name.
He officially went to the dark side when he killed Gus.

I don't like what Walt is becoming, dude is a complete mess emotionally and is becoming sloppy since Gus was killed. :x
For this season, yes. Guess it'll be the conclusion of season, 5.5? :lol:

someone lied to you son. you kids need to stop reaching.



there were 11 names on Lydia's list, right? that list didnt include Mike. hit man killed Chow, and Mike killed hit man. list down to 9... 10 including Mike. the guy at Madrigal warehouse got picked up, but i dont know if he was on the list. that would make the math work.... but i doubt its related.
Was the hitman on the list?
also, i stand by my statement. Lydia destroys whoever she is on screen with. Cranston may be the most versatile actor on the show, but she makes you feel and believe the emotion. the two scenes when Mike wanted to kill her, were probably the best of the season. saying Jesse and Walt 'make the show' is a pretty obvious statement... theyre the main characters. doesnt mean they cant be out-performed.
So you're the one saying the chick playing Lydia is the best actor on the show? :lol: Obviously I think the rest of us can take it as your crazy opinion cuz I know I definitely do not have similar thoughts on "how she makes you feel and believe the emotion." She honestly just comes off as a snake in the grass that will say w/e she wants to save her ***. The whole hyperventilating say anything to survive fast isn't all that believable as far her emotions and she definitely doesn't make me feel much of anything when she's on screen other than the aforementioned. She's no more or no less believable than Skinny Pete or Gomey.
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