Breathing out of one nostril? Surgery Question

Mar 21, 2005
I've had a condition called Nasal Septum deviation since birth. Meaning that I can't breath out of both nostrils at the same time. It is always oneand it switches every other day it seems like. I am having the surgery called Septoplasty to correct it. I was wondering if anybody else hadthis surgery or even breathing patterns like that. Never stopped me from playing sports all the way through college, just makes my risk for sinus infectionsand colds higher. I am trying to stop all that now and breath like a normal human lol.

If anybody had the surgery how long did it take you to breath normal?
Damn i got that too. Ive jever had it checked out by a doctor or anything. How major is the surgery? Or is it a quick procedure?

aha damn. i've had this problem as well. i just chalked it up to allergies or some #!+. i didn't even bother to see if there was a solution cus itreally hasn't affected my everyday life. let me know how it goes.
Never had it...but i read about it in class

your going to feel like ^%$* the first couple days...after about lets say the first week, or 10 days, you should be feeling a lot better and the swelling willbe going down

good luck!
Originally Posted by smoke ya later

I've had this ever since I broke my nose. I hate it

Me too. Never knew much could be done about it. Doctor wanted to rebreak my nose but i was in the middle of football season. I couldn't
supposed to be very minor about 40 mins long. Basically going to straighten out some tissue or muscle up there so that air can flow evenly instead of switchingback and forth which during this season is the pits. Already have got sick.

Wankasta23- From what you read its a lot of swelling?

And yea it hasn't affected me really to much but lately it has been. Im 25 btw.
Originally Posted by YoungCFromThaD

supposed to be very minor about 40 mins long. Basically going to straighten out some tissue or muscle up there so that air can flow evenly instead of switching back and forth which during this season is the pits. Already have got sick.

Wankasta23- From what you read its a lot of swelling?

And yea it hasn't affected me really to much but lately it has been. Im 25 btw.
You need to ice it, and you might have trouble breathing for awhile because of the swelling
It was said that if whenever you are home to sit on a recliner; you might also get a bloody nose depending on how the surgery goes
Like i said, give it about 10 days, you might still be in some pain, but you will def start feeling better!

edit: and also, DO NOT blow your nose
laugh.gif just need to be relaxed athome and take it easy
This is something Ive been wondering about the last few years, its been like this for as long as I can remember. I can breath out of one nostril 100% then theother is anywhere from 0% - 80%. I should get that checked out.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

This is something Ive been wondering about the last few years, its been like this for as long as I can remember. I can breath out of one nostril 100% then the other is anywhere from 0% - 80%. I should get that checked out.

Yea might as well. Insurance covering it so I said what the hell. I am 100% in one and 10% in the other all the time. Then it switches. Weirdest thing inthe world when I actually think about it.
my boy had this his breath stank so bad. son had sticks of gum in his mouth and i could still smell his breath.he said it wasnt painful till the nextday but was given painkillers.
the hell? i thought it was because i snorted some coke back in the days. mine actually feels like one of my nostrils is just clogged with boogers
Originally Posted by davizzy

my boy had this his breath stank so bad. son had sticks of gum in his mouth and i could still smell his breath.he said it wasnt painful till the next day but was given painkillers.
Had to be from the old dry rotting blood
BTW I got this too and i realize that the nostril i breath clearly out of I got a lazy eye on that side
but the nostril thats hard to breath and blow out of I got a big eye...not like that dude on the boondocks though
yo never thought there was an actual name for this. got used to it to the point where it doesn't bother me anymore. when i do notice it though it irks thehell outta me.
I think I got this too but more like 100% in one and like 20% in the other.

Never thought that this made the flu/colds worse
my friend had this operation

they packed up his sinuses with gauze afterwards to control the bleeding and whatnot. he said it wasn't bad until they pulled the gauze out about a weeklater. he said he couldn't believe the amount of gauze they put in there. he said it's like that sinus pressure/drainage feeling, only a lot worse
You sir have helped me...I never knew it had a name...I fell as a child and ever since then its been hell....I was told I had to see a specialist years agowhen I went to my doctor but never went
Man never heard of this and thankfully i dont have this. i wish yall the best with the surgeries and stuff tho...
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by Dr FONClBrICS

aha damn. i've had this problem as well. i just chalked it up to allergies or some #!+. i didn't even bother to see if there was a solution cus it really hasn't affected my everyday life. let me know how it goes.
yeah, i've had this problem for awhile too. basically thought the same thing you thought.
me too...

going to go to the doctor and check it out.
had it. went to surgery. after surgery i had to go back the next day to get those cotton pieces that was stuck up my nose out. overall it was hell that day. ihad a bucket filled with blood because of it. i just kept spitting out blood. breathing was a pain cause you had to do it through the mouth.
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